Does The World Seem To Be Getting Worse?

January 25th, 2015

Humanities EndWith each passing day it seems as if the entire planet is flushing into the toilet. All facets of society are sinking into the abyss as corrupt corporatist elites, and the mentally ill minority are allowed to take everything over.  So much so that it’s perhaps starting to affect your personal life.  So what can you possibly do to stop this juggernaut taking us all straight to hell in a hand basket?  You can utilize the natural power of five dimensional travel to parallel Universes that all humans possess.  Just as we travel into the future four dimensionally we also travel to near identical parallel Universes at each time increment or plank length.  This phenomenon is powered by our pure sapient thought, and the free will we possess.

Have you noticed things getting worse as you spend years watching, and reading bad news about the state of our society?  This is because your mind believes the worst, and you’re pushing yourself into undesirable parallel incarnations of our reality.  You need to believe that the best case scenarios will happen in order to begin pulling yourself back into less destructive parallel Earth’s.  It’s theorized that our reality lacks Utopian qualities, amazing charismatic public figures, and blatant miracles of magic because the exceptional people who would have shaped our society had the foresight, and mental capacity to meditate themselves into dream Universes.  Parallel Earth’s that are paradise utopia’s because humanity did everything right either by sheer chance among the infinite parallel Universes, and/or courtesy of those ultra exceptional personalities.  People who most likely kept their imaginative optimism of the world they held in childhood. This reality may seem lackluster to hellish because you’ve been following the opposite path as the cream of the human crop.  Those who had massive negative hope for the future of the planet, and human race for their entire lives are probably on some hellish version of Earth as we speak. Perhaps one where society, and humanity are nearly extinct because of a zombie apocalypse, or some other catastrophe.

Despite positive thoughts for your own personal life that once guided you down a golden path you are Utopian Paradise Societyprobably now seeing the sorry state of the planet affecting things for you. This is because you need to also positively think about the general environment you live in as well.  This Universe is your canvas of life, and you must focus hopefully thoughts upon it as well in order to phase yourself into a more desirable reality.  Truly believe that humanity will transform it’s corrupt governments into forces of good for the Earth, and will not destroy itself or dive into a tyrannical dystopian nightmare.  Believe that humanity will create a glorious utopia beyond the wildest science fiction dreams as they explore the stars, and galaxies discovering new life, and gaining enlightenment.  Believe humankind, and peaceful extraterrestrials co-existing as they make a symbiotic journey into the ascension of Godhood in the higher dimensions of reality, and beyond!

Quantum Jumping, a creative method of visualizing parallel Universes, may aid in your quest to phase into more desirable realities.

The Case Against An Infinite All Knowing God

September 13th, 2014

Higher Dimensionall AscensionBy infinite all knowing God we mean a sapient being that is the entire Macroverse, or the infinite everything there is, with nothing existing outside of his non-corporeal mind.  That doesn’t mean Atheism but rather polytheism.   Our reality on all dimensional levels is about calculating all mathematical probabilities encompassing all scenarios, and revealing all knowledge there is to know.  Continued growth, creativity, and exploration is the purpose to life. This includes every one of us being a higher dimensional being, and ultimately Gods on the infinite levels of reality.   It can also include the religions of Earth being true in various parallel Universes.  However when these Gods are given credit for creating everything there is to infinity, and beyond it’s simply not true.

The case against the existence of one infinite all knowing God with no beginning or end takes on three points:

1.) Stagnation – An infinite God would know everything past, present, and future instantly.  Therefore there would be nothing new for him/her to do, and nothing new to learn in order to grow as a sapient being.  There would be no real point to their existence.

2.) No Starting Point For Creation – If this God always existed for eternity into the past then they would have always been creating things, or oddly enough doing nothing for eternity into the past then decides to just start creating things.  It would make no sense they were stagnant for eternity which technically means there would be no starting point.  So the only option is they were creating sapient beings, and things for eternity into the past which again makes no sense because at some point there would have to be a beginning.  A point where he came up ideas to spawn things into existence. Utilizing the argument that they exist outside time doesn’t fly because in the absence of time as we know it sapient minds create their own temporal framework for a sequence of events. Although an infinite God would experience everything all at once in one burst of time.

3.)  Everything A Figment Of His/Her Imagination – Every soul that exists would have to be in their mind because nothing else exists.  Even if these souls were vibrating at different frequencies to differentiate them from each other they would still ultimately be apart of the infinite God’s combined soul frequency, and therefore would be him.  We would all be portions of his split personality.  The only way we can be real sentient souls is if we have an independent top level spirit that resides outside any God.  Sure we exist in the lower dimensions, including this one, inside the mind of other Gods but ultimately our many parallel, and higher dimensional selves are one with our highest level soul that resides upon a blank slate of unorganized pure thought or informational waves.  A Grand Unified Field we all evolved from by the mathematical probability that everything will take place if given enough space, and time.  And yes also Universes that evolved directly from said Field without a God. Of course though eventually the sapient beings within would evolve, and ascend to Godhood in that Universe.

That being said there is a possibility that an infinite Macroverse God could have been created by our top level souls forming a neural network of minds to create one unified being.  However it’s most likely impossible that every soul in existence would ever come into contact with each other over the infinite expanse of reality.  Certainly though Gods at various dimensional levels have combined to created higher unique beings while the individual souls still maintain autonomy. Ultimately we shouldn’t have to answer to a royal like God who was always the King of everything while we remain perpetual subservient subjects, or children.  Of course that’s not to say that isn’t the case in lower dimensions of reality since it would be a learning experience. At the highest level we are our own God, and we have chosen all the lives we lead even if we despise them.  From our higher dimensional viewpoint we relish experiencing everything there is to experience in the infinite Macroverse. We yearn to grow by assimilating all information there is by living it personally.

The Exponential Processing Power Of Our Higher Dimensional Minds

August 30th, 2014

Soul GenerationWhen we imagine existing in the higher dimensional afterlife we visualize it from our current viewpoint limited to our 3-D biological brain.  We can of course somewhat grasp our five dimensional self, or higher, being quite different due to the culmination of all our incarnations in the amazing number of parallel Universes.  Certainly our wealth of knowledge amassed over the Multiverse expanse would be indescribable. Then we assume our four dimensional soul will pretty much be who we are now except for having instant recall of every single moment we’ve existed in the Universe. However we are forgetting the amazing intelligence we will wield simply due to the processing power via the higher dimensional equivalent of neural networking with all our lower dimensional selves.

For instance our 4-D soul is a unification of all our 3-D selves frozen at every smallest time increment or Plank Unit.  In Plank Time one year is equal to about 585 Quindecillion (585 with 48 zeros after it!) 3-D minds frozen in time!  If one lives for 80 years that’s a staggering 4.680181650886 x 10+52 that would apart of your 4-D neural network that composes the astronomical intelligence of your higher dimensional mind.  Now imagine all your 4-D souls unifying into a 5-D soul.  Even higher up the unification of your 5-D selves in every Multiverse within our Omniverse. This process of ascension, and unification of our lower dimensional selves theoretically continues for eternity into the infinite dimensions of existence above. Now you can see why you would ascend to Godhood with an incomprehensible intelligent mind that no super computer would ever hope to attain in all of human history!

Why Can’t Humanity Escape Enslavement?

July 26th, 2014

The Same Alpha Pack Leader Mentality Of Our Animal Days Lives On In Our Human Governments
Enslaved Humanity FreedHumanity has been enslaved since the dawn of civilization.  The process of evolving from Animal to Animal-God Hybrid(Godlike in intelligent consciousness) meant keeping the basic structure of one Alpha leader ruling over the entire pack, or any given populace.  First it was royalty, Kings & Queens, and then a group of ruling legislative bodies.  Although it seems like each nation has one President or Prime Minister who calls the shots.  Despite the apparent evolution of governments, and economic systems, individual nations, and the entire planet are under the rule of an Oligarchy.  In other words the power, and the majority of the wealth are in the hands of a small percentage of the populace that are in essence the Alpha’s of the global human pack.  Sure there are several subsets of governments, and regional Oligarchies, but ultimately they all answer to a small group of elite ultra wealthy billionaires who have intermarried with royalty to create a powerful plutocratic class.  Royalty who realized they either had to appear to give up power, or face death by revolution from angry citizens.  Royalty who could appear powerless while secretly wielding great financial power around the world.   They also exude forth a false facade of love for the common person while appearing benevolent with their various charitable organizations which often spread death, disease, and misinformation around the world while appearing to do the opposite.

There came a point in history where the various royalty of empires, and nations found respect in each others
bloodlines that they see as superior to the common citizen.  Instead of warring they began to ally, and intermarry.  The current global Oligarchy manifested from European royalty.  Specifically the British Empire that realized it couldn’t withstand a tide of revolutionary nationalism among it’s colonies.  So they went rogue, and utilized corporate banking power to eventually control the planet in cooperation with royal-billionaire plutocrats from around the world.  Certainly there has been a recent cooperation with China’s elite.  China is seen as the ideal political-economic system.  A deep enslavement of the workforce populace while an elite class, and their corporations rake in most of the wealth, and benefits.  In addition to their corporations the plutocrats also have various secret organizations where global agendas are decided among the plutocrats, and decisions are directly dispersed to various trusted politicians, and lower ranking oligarchs.  Mainly those who have intermarried with top royal plutocrats or are easily blackmailed.  And of course through their corporations they own major mainstream media outlets, entertainment industries, and educational institutions to weave a false matrix to indoctrinate the public into believing what they so choose.

It seems humans will put up with a certain level of slavery, and will only commit to revolutionary change when pushed to a point where their personal lives are adversely affected.  Otherwise they are complacent, and fearful of governments when it should be government that fears the citizens who far out number them.  You may not see yourself as a slave in this modern world of many freedoms & luxuries but ask yourself how you’re as free as a King or a Queen when you must pay various direct taxes under force of penalty to governments including income, and property.  Without real ownership of land, property, and income you are a slave.  Are these royals better than you?  Do you not deserve to have the same rights as a King, Queen, or billionaire elite?

A governmental structure is necessary to prevent anarchy but thus far there has been no maximum limited
government that affords the common citizen real power, and freedom.  An incorruptible government that only protects a persons freedoms.  A government whose laws only pertain to crimes that cause harm to others.  The closest we’ve come is the United States in it’s early days under a Constitutional Republic political system, and Capitalist economic system.  However it was never 100% pure, and always corrupted from day one.   Clearly things have only gotten worse for the US, and all governments on Earth.  People partake of a revolution, or election, and then go right back to their personal lives leaving that pesky government stuff to someone else. Without the common citizens continued monitoring, and participation in government it can only turn tyrannical in nature.

No matter what political or economic system any given nation lives under the ultimate system that rules over the Earth is a plutocratic oligarchy.  Royal families whose power took to the shadows by intermarrying with the world first bankers who now operate on a global scale.  Global bankers who presently control the monetary systems of most nations on Earth.  Over the years they brought new billionaires into the corrupt fold. Their main method of ruling over nations is a political system of Corporatocracy in which the plutocratic ruling class owns majority stock in the major banks, and corporations of the planet who in turn wield major influence in the easily corrupted governments who founding documents were purposely left free of safeguards from day one.  Since this plutocratic banking class ends up funding both sides in wars they always have their people in place ready to go no matter who wins.  That’s why the US Constitution was so easily corrupted.  It’s like playing Chess against yourself.  In the end you’ll always win.

Unfortunately those seeking political office are corrupt individuals most of the time rather than people wanting to serve, and help their fellow citizens.  In fact the deeply controlled political party election processes keeps the good people down. The high level criminal politicians want wealth, and power so they’re easily bought off, and blackmailed through their indiscretions, or threat of having their life dismantled, by the plutocrats, and corporations.  Certainly even those with good intentions who make it through the system end up caving in to the pressures of corrupt colleagues, and relentless power players. The plutocrat and corporate loyal politicians naturally bring in representatives from the corporations to fill government posts.  The corporate lobbyists also supply insider trading information that is used to make the politicians wealthy so there’s no money trail of bribes.  Things also work out nicely when corporate beneficial legislation is drafted.  The corporation gets their way while the politicians uses the pre-knowledge to invest, and get richer.  It’s no coincidence so many government officials are millionaires.  Since the governments control the economic system we end up with a global system of Corporate Capitalism, or Crony Capitalism.  This rigged system means a further increase in wealth for the plutocrats whose goal is to drain the wealth, and power of the general populace.  It also further empowers a handful of mega multinational corporations while others are driven out of business by the unfair market, and insane government regulations, fees, taxes, etc. that don’t seem to apply to the elite corporations.

This mass corruption of the government, economy, corporate owned mainstream propaganda media, entertainment industry, and education system is why society seems to be descending further into hell.  Especially with the purposeful corruption of the traditional moral foundations of society that once kept order. The same politicians keep getting re-elected despite doing nothing much to help the common citizen while doing so much for the corporations.  People just keep falling for the same rhetoric.  They’re too easily fooled by the masterful political actors.  Even when they aren’t, and a revolution occurs in a nation, the government is just replaced by another set of corrupt plutocrat-corporate cronies.  The only way humanity will ever be free is to join together, and have the first global revolution that would take down the real old political powers on Earth.  The top .0001% criminal oligarchy that is a black plague upon humanities progress into complete Godhood status!

Hopefully humankind will wise up before it’s too late, and finally set themselves free from the shackles of these Classic Villiancenturies old slave masters.  Then we can actually try out a number of political, and economic systems in their pure form to see what works best.  Although the amazing success of the United States, the freest nation there ever was, proves that a free populace is an extremely productive populace that has the potential to spread wealth to everyone.  A hint at the dream of a future paradise utopia.  It’s time for humanity to break free of their Alpha animal pack shackles.  It might work well for animals but in humans it’s simply slavery.  As pre-Gods humans are meant to be free never having to deal with government unless they bring harm to another pre-God, or stand in the way of their right to be free.  Stop being fooled by the carefully crafted criminal actors who spew forth the rhetoric you want to hear but never follow through with their wonderful sounding promises.  Whether they be politicians, royalty, billionaires, or celebrities nobody is going to be blatantly evil in the open while twirling their handle bar mustache, and laughing maniacally.  Without deception they wouldn’t have held power for so long.  Once humanity gets past being so easily fooled, and judging a book by it’s cover only then can they start to see their reality has been a lie perpetuated by a plutocratic elite corporate system of tyranny!  Getting through this dangerously awkward stage in society is one of the major hurdles to achieving Godhood as a species.

What’s Your Real Name? Your True Name As A God?

July 16th, 2014

NamesAs we speak you simultaneously exist in an unimaginable plethora of parallel Universes, parallel dimensions, Multiverses, and Omniverses throughout this fourth dimension.  You also exist in the dimensions above, outside our temporal landscape, as a being of ascended Godhood.  Across all the parallel Universes your parents, and others, have given you every name there is.  When unified, or reborn, into one spiritual being in each higher dimensional strata you have to choose a name for yourself?  Or perhaps on the lower dimensional levels a name is chosen for you?  Odds are seriously slim that your extra-dimensional names will be the same name you possess now.  More than likely it’s first names only.  So your surname would mean nothing in the afterlives that include all your memories from your varied parallel lives.

Your identity here is but a grain of sand in your complete Macroversal persona.  The highest level of Godhood you will achieve.  The culmination of every life you’ve led as a biological, energy, and pure thought being.  This probably includes your lives as an android, sentient computer program within a Universal simulation, and number of unimaginable scenarios.  Anywhere your particular soul frequency manifests is you, and is connected with your higher dimensional souls.

Ultimately you will choose your final eternal name at the apex of your Godhood ascensions.  The name you have now is only a temporary label, and is not your true name.  Certainly a good thing for people with embarrassing names.  Names that were popular in our past, and in the future of other realities. Looking at it from this miniscule perspective what would you call yourself as a God?  I’ll call myself Lord Mxyztplk! 🙂

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