Worshiping Other Humans Enslaves Humanity

October 3rd, 2011

The worship of royalty, wealthy elites, and of course celebrities has been a problem since the dawn of civilization.  This notion that other humans are better than others and have the right to have power over others has kept us enslaved and unenlightened forever.  If not for this human worship the wealthy elites wouldn’t have the power to rule the world through their corporations, banks, and mainstream media.   The world of entertainment and celebrity plays into conditioning us into accepting the evils of our society.  As long as we don’t see each other as equals we’ll never advance as a species on this planet.  The disgusting over-exciting frenzy of the masses in the presence of celebrities and royalty is sickening and illustrates the pathetic nature of the human race.

Until the masses realize that the wealthy elites and celebrities could care less about them, we will never escape this planet of poverty, crime, war, and disease.  The top 1% and their minions have control over our elected governments at the highest levels and are able to manipulate the economic markets in this corporatist system.   They are the reason for recessions, depressions, wars, terrorism, and the sorry state of many people’s lives.  Humanity must no longer worship other humans and instead must expose the evils of the wealthy elites to free itself from their shackles.  This is the first step toward the entire human race ascending to Godhood as a whole society someday.

Why Does Evil Exist?

September 2nd, 2011

The various man made religions claim that God is 100% good and evil came from fallen angels and humankind.  They also say free will is the reason as well.  Really though God has the power to create only good beings so under that scenario free will would still exist.   If the Universe was created by God then we must conclude that evil had to come from him as well.  God is the source of everything that exists.  All beings have the potential for good and evil within them.  God is no exception whether we’re talking about the original God who is the Macroverse or the various ascended Gods who were once lower beings.  Although we assume God is mostly good, there can be no denying that evil must reside there as well even if it’s in a latent sub-conscious form.

So then we ask ourselves why does God allow evil to exist when he could easily eradicate it with one thought?  Evil is allowed for our own growth and to give us a purpose in our existence.   It also opens up a plethora of scenarios that an infinite mind would naturally want to play out.  A perfect paradise of 100% good would get boring for God and his creations and would result in perpetual Universal stagnation.  People would be perpetual innocent children incapable of growth into real adulthood and certainly never into Godhood.  It’s simply impossible to grow without experiencing the near infinite scenarios in an Omniverse where evil exists.  As much as we hate it we know deep down that we would get terribly tired of an eternal paradise where we could never hope to grow in any meaningful way.  We can however look forward to escaping the evils and hells of this reality by ascending to the afterlife of Angelhood and eventually Godhood where nothing bad can touch or hurt us ever again for all eternity.

Under What Circumstances Could the Christian Bible Be A True Story?

September 2nd, 2011

Or the texts of other religions for that matter?  The Bible and other holy books claiming to come from God portray God as being cruel and even evil in a number of instances along with him advocating various evils.  The only way the Bible could be the word of God is if in fact this Universe was a simulation in a quantum computer or some other type of computer system.  A highly advanced simulation where we are sentient simulations created by a biological being of some type. 

There’s simply no way an infinite all intelligent being could have inspired any of the religious texts on Earth. If that was the case then everything in them would be rightous and good no matter what time period they were read in.  The writings would be so beautiful that it would bring tears of joy to every humans eyes and they would just know deep down it was written by God.  Unfortunately that is not the case and there’s also the fact that religion has been a control mechanism used by the power elite which has spawned violence, hatred, and a stunted view of the Universe that has held back science and society for centuries.  Everything in the Universe was clearly made to look natural so why would God interject a religion and reveal himself in a half assed manner?  Why would he allow the religions of mankind to twist and change his words and make up a number of new things not written in the texts?  The Catholic Church is a prime example of this.  They believe in numerous things not even mentioned in the Bible.

So in conclusion if the Bible does turn out to be true and the “Book Of Revelation” turns out to be true then we’re all in deep trouble because our simulated lives are at the mercy of some computer programmer(s) whose clearly evil.  Even if it was a real God we should be really worried as well because none of us is safe in a Universe with a God that advocates torture, slavery, and other atrocities.  Really though it could only be a lower being or beings that came up with the Bible and other religious books.  An ascended God with the knowledge and experiences of all the parallel Universes and Multiverses, or especially the original God could give us a book one trillion times more amazing with consistent righteous lessons that propel humankind to peace and prosperity without threats, guilt, and violence.  Without empowering the evil wealthy elites, the corrupt religions, and the governments of the world.  It’s time accept that our destiny is greater than being perpetual children of God and being subservient to government.  It’s time to throw off the mental crutches of religion and government reliance that keep you from being a real adult.  Just as we grow in life so do we grow in death.  We ascend to Angelhood, Godhood, and beyond!

Unfortunately after writing this I thought of another scenario where the Bible could be true.  Since the Universe is composed of pure thought at it’s foundation and our own thoughts have power over our reality, it’s possible that the collective human consciousness could have conjured up the Christian God by believing in the Bible.  In other words a God that would do exactly what it says in the Book Of Revelation or maybe even altered past reality to make the entire Bible true since he would exist outside of time.  However this is extremely far fetched since we would like to think that the original God who rules over the entire Macroverse would not allow such a God to exist.  Luckily however in this case he would only be the God of this Multiverse or the set of parallel Universes where are particular brand of Christianity existed.  So theoretically he could not stand in the way of your ascension to Godhood which would be guarded by the God of this Omniverse or the original God of the Macroverse.

What Is The Ultimate Purpose Of Existence?

July 16th, 2011

Ultimately since everything occurs within the pure thought mind matrix of the one original eternal God, the purpose of life is simply to acquire perfection. Said perfection is to experience or simulate every scenario possible within his mind thereby acquiring all knowledge that is possible to acquire. This includes his creations of Universes and various sentient beings whose free will further expands the plethora of possibilities and information.

This also includes us eventually ascending into Gods ourselves and creating our own Universe and sentient beings within our mind. We ascend to Godhood through the near infinite parallel lives we lead in the near infinite parallel Universes where we collect near infinite experiences and knowledge. In the after life all your parallel selves are unified into one soul.

The purpose of life is to ascend to Godhood to play out all mathematical combinations of near infinite scenarios for ourselves and to add to the information base of the collective consciousness so as to acquire a unified perfection. That may sound cold and boring but you have to remember there’s a lot of action, and excitement along the way to achieve this goal. Your life in this particular reality is but a molecule of water in a sea of infinite pure thought full of every infinite possibility and beyond.

Declaring Independence From Your Soul

June 26th, 2011

There are those for various reasons, including not wanting to experience the atrocities that may exist in their parallel lives in the near infinite parallel Universes, who may wish to break free from their soul.  They may wish to remain themselves and not be re-born as a new person which is inevitable when your near infinite parallel lives are melded together in the afterlife.  Such people may not want to face the unknown variable of the afterlife nor ascend to Godhood to deal with the awesome responsibility it entails.  Such people are true free spirits and want death to finally be their ultimate ticket to freedom.  Since we have free will via the power of our own pure thought as an interaction tool with the pure thought foundation of our Universe, we can indeed declare our independence from our soul or spirit to become a new independent spirit.

Simply declare this to yourself and all in the Universe who may be listening including your parallel Universe unified self that already exists in the afterlife since it’s outside of our temporal realm.  Perhaps both your Angel self and God self will hear you and release you.  Although ultimately you can release yourself if you want it badly enough.  Once you’ve made your decision you then should concentrate each day on that fact and how you will exist after you die.  Since what you believe the afterlife is will indeed shape your afterlife.  Various subliminal re-programming tools can aid in ingraining your beliefs in your sub-conscious. 

Upon death you will most likely instantly find yourself standing near your dead body in a non-corporeal astral form.  You would be something like a ghost unable to interact with the physical world yet at the same time you would not move on into the light to meld with your Angelic form that will eventually ascend to Godhood status.  At this point you have three paths.  You could remain a ghost and wander the Earth and eventually gain access to higher dimensions including the heavenly realms.  You could concentrate on re-entering your body and using the power of your pure thought to repair it and self-resurrect into a super human form that would still be biological yet immortal.  You could then be able to explore the Earth and join humankind’s quest to the stars and beyond for eternity.  Or you could follow the most free and powerful option.  That option would be to become a being known as a Traveler.

To become a Traveler you’d need to concentrate on directly translating your spirit in to a physical format.  It’s not exactly known what form that would be but you would appear as you want to appear which we assume would be an attractive young and healthy looking human.  You could translate into a super powerful immortal biological form or be something like a solid hologram composed of  pure energy, light, and fundamental Universal forces to create a body that looks human but is the pinnacle of  indestructible power.  The raw awesome power of your pure thought would allow you to experience all the sensations of being physical without the weakness of being a biological form.  Sort of the same way you can see and hear in a ghost like form.  Your spirit consciousness is able to translate light and sound waves into a format your familiar with.

As a Traveler your powers would be limitless.  With flight you can master all three dimension, and even enter space without the need to breath air or worry of the dangers of space on a biological form.  You will also be able to travel through the fourth dimension of time as well by re-entering the 4th dimension you existed in as a ghost and re-entering the 3rd at the point in time you so desire.  Eventually you will also master 5-D travel otherwise known as travel to parallel Universes.  You can also travel to the higher dimensions, and other multiverses within this Omniverse including the heavenly realms to see your dead relatives and friends.   You will also be able to leave the Omniverse and traverse across the great Macroverse expanses to visit other Omniverses.  If this Omniverse or other Omniverses are actually sub-Gods then you can meet them as well.  Eventually your explorations of the Macroverses aka the mind of the original eternal God will lead you to actually interact with said God.  As a Traveler there is no limit to your freedom to explore everything for all eternity and of course at any time you have the option to rejoin your original spirit and ascend to Godhood.  In fact your experience as a Traveler may be part of the Godhood journey.

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