Dr. Benjamin S. Carson Speaks Common Sense At National Prayer Breakfast

February 7th, 2013

Dr. Benjamin S. Carson spoke words of common sense, and strength for our nation at the 2013 National Prayer Breakfast. Various ideals that flew in the face of President Obama’s agenda. While in attendance he seemed to grimace at some of the topics which included condemnation of the scourge of political correctness which is a threat to the first amendment, and religious rights in general. The failed American education, and health care system, and the insane national debt. Education in general has been dumbing down the American populace for at least 100 years now. Is this on purpose since a Constitutional Republic is dependent on an intelligent, and well informed citizenship? Isn’t it in the governments best interest to have a moronic voting base so they can do as they please? Believe it or not the average citizen of the 1700’s, and 1800’s was far more intelligent, and aware of what their government was doing than they are now. This is why the government is so corrupt, and failing at all it does. Is that failure on purpose, or the result of mere incompetence. Either way we The People have not held our public servants, and the public institutions of government accountable to us!

The Mormon’s Concept Of Ascended Godhood Is Flawed

January 28th, 2013

We agree with the woman in the video that the Mormon religion is unfairly created for men while women are merely the subjects of them. It’s clearly another man made religion that was gleamed from the truth in some ways. Godhoodism believes that all people are equal no matter what their gender is. In fact people might be their opposite gender in parallel Universes. After all what are the odds that you would be born as the same gender in countless trillions of alternate realities? All Men, and Women who are judged good will ascend to Angelhood, and then eventual Godhood status to start their own Universes.

We understand how Mormonism has turned her back to traditional Christianity that treats people merely as Gods children who will in essence stagnate for all eternity floating about Heaven, or living in some Earthly Amish paradise depending on which sect of Christianity you’re speaking of. The Mormon belief that God was once a biological person such as ourselves is true. The God we speak of is the Omniverse God whose entire mind is the Omniverse in which we live. The Omniverse being the vast collection of Multiverses which contain all the parallel Universes where all possible scenarios within reason are played out so everyone has a fair, and equal life in comparison to others in the end. The Omniverse God could be a man, or a woman. God could also be a combination of soul mates both man, and woman. Many religions on our Earth have some aspects of the truth within them but unfortunately they’ve been tainted by the desires of mankind in order to control, and manipulate people as they see fit.

What Is The Solution For A Government Of The People?

January 3rd, 2013

How Can The United States Be Restored To A Non-Corrupt Constitutional Republic rather than a corrupt corporatist globalist imperialist regime?

Constitional RepublicFirstly, enough people need to wake up, and realize that the Federal government, and the other levels of government by example, are illegal in nature due to their repeated violation of the Constitution which is the supreme law of the land.  The entire election system, and government is controlled by the Republican, and Democrat parties which are in turn controlled by the international banking establishment, and mega multinational corporations through the buying off of members of Congress through insider trading.  That’s why we have so many millionaires in Congress.  No need for direct bribes when you can just give them insider information on what to invest in or request legislation which of course the politicians can use to invest in advance of bill passage.  Next demand the resignation, or recall, every Congressperson, and Senator who clearly violates the Constitution.    Anyone who sits idly by, and does not question the over extension of Executive branch powers should no longer serve the people since they are clearly in collusion with the law breakers.  Anyone supporting foreign wars is also an excellent candidate for losing their government position since no nation has yet to attack our home soil.  Pretending to fight terror, take down evil dictators, and provide humanitarian assistance while in fact appropriating natural resources, seizing assets, and installing a privately controlled monetary system for the banks, and corporations is not within the purview of the Federal government.

There needs to be major election reform that includes the eradication of political parties, and electronic voting.  Voting is the one thing that should remain in paper form, and only tabulated at the local level to prevent election fraud which is no rampant.  In addition the days of the career politician must end.  One short term for all offices.  Ideally any of age citizen with a high school diploma who can pass a test about the Constitution should be able to enter their name in a volunteer pool.  From there random candidates are chosen.   No political donations are allowed, and each candidate is given the same funds by the government to run a campaign.  Any normal citizen should be able to become a US Senator, or Congressperson.  They should then only serve a one year term because frankly Congress shouldn’t really be doing much under the Constitution which limits their powers.  The Executive branch should be doing even less.  The States, and levels below should be doing most of the governing under the 10th amendment.  During that one year of service they should only need to meet one weekend a month.  If anything requires them to take off from their real job at home to attend Congress then by law their employer would grant them leave just as a military person is granted.  The pay would be minimal as they are meant to be volunteers.  There would be no additional benefits.  We want people who really care about making this nation better, and not those who want to profit or have power.

Once Congress is back in the hands of the people then so will the Executive, and Judicial branches as well.  This method of election reform should be done at all levels of government to restore State Legislators, County, and local governments to the people as well.  In addition the 17th amendment should be repealed so the States have representation in Congress again.  If Congress cannot be restored to Constitutional order then 34 State Legislators would have to call an Article V Constitutional Convention to disband Congress, or even the entire government for a fresh start.  38 states would have to ratify an amendment stipulating this action.  All the measures mentioned above will drive out the war mongering corporatists, and restore the United States to a Constitutional Republic of peace, and a true force of good in the world.

Could Vampires Exist In Alternate Universes?

December 1st, 2012

VampiressWithin the mind of God all scenarios of his choosing are played out.  We know not how far he is willing to go as he prepares the worthy for their eventual ascension to Godhood.   Some probabilities are played out only in his private mind while the rest are directed into the open Universes in which we exist.  Parallel Universes in which we exist as multiple selves simultaneously living out an amazing plethora of lives similar to the ones we have now along with ones that may seem beyond bizarre.  These peculiarities of our parallel lives could includes that of the supernatural.  This means we may have dealt with vampires or are vampires in an alternate reality.  Some say the immortal living dead exist here among us lurking in the shadows of our current Universe.  Even if they don’t it’s a fair bet that some form of vampires exists in another Universe within our vast Multiverse.

These vampires could be an unusual product of evolution, a disease caused by a unique virus, the result of dark magic being employed upon humans, or that of demon DNA mingling with humans in some form.  Some in the paranormal investigations community believe vampires are the result of a demon possessing a human to the point of altering it’s DNA, and then mating with a human to create the first generation of vampires.  The only vampires to actually be born rather than transformed by another of their kind via a demonic virus.  Such vampires are vulnerable to religious artifacts due to their demonic lineage while vampires formed solely from evolution, or a non-demonic virus would not.

There’s also a chance that they could exist in this reality as extraterrestrials.  The Universe is so beyond vast that it’s plausible that alien evolution could produce a vampire like creature.  A hoard could invade Earth someday, and suck us all dry of our life giving blood before they moved on to another planet full of life.  If vampires don’t currently exist on this Earth then odds are pretty decent that humanity will run across aliens in the distant future who live off of blood, and have greatly enhanced physical abilities.

Since everything that exists is supernatural simply due to existing within the mind of God then anything is possible including vampires, and plethora of other paranormal entities.  His thoughts become reality in our lives, and our thoughts, especially as a collective consciousness, can become reality as well.  Singularly, and together we wield the magic of pure thought which is the foundation of our reality.  Some say the ancient Gods of Greece, and Rome actually existed due to humans inadvertently willing it to be so.  Could it be that vampires could come into existence this way?  If not here then perhaps we’ve spawned a parallel Universe adjacent to ours that contains the vampire menace.  With so many vampire novels, movies, and television shows the lore is in all of our minds.  If enough people believe then anything is possible.  Especially when we know that our destiny lies in the Heavens as future ascended Gods whose wisdom comes from their near infinite lives in the nearly infinite parallel Universes in which we exist.

Could Ghosts Be Real?

March 3rd, 2012

Ghostly FigureYes ghosts could be real even with the afterlife being different than most people think.   In the afterlife we’re a new unified super being whose a combination of our near infinite lives in the near infinite parallel Universes.  This would seem to render ghosts obsolete since the traumas that create them would be diluted in our new strong willed spirits.  Whether that be a traumatic death, grave injustice, or hellish life in general.  However there is still free will.  We aren’t just a small insignificant predestined piece of our super spirit already now active in the great beyond outside of our time, and space.  Our individual life force has a spirit of it’s own as well which is generated by the power of pure thought we wield.

So something can go wrong at death where we don’t join our unified soul in the higher dimensions above.  We could be suffering so greatly from something, or be so strong willed when it comes to an injustice that we simply refuse to move on.  We end up somewhere between in a ghostly form.  Until our ghost comes to terms with their issues they will not be able to move on into the light.  When we finally do then we’ll be unified with our soul.  Some of us may not want to become a different person, and may even declare independence from our super spirit.  Under the Universal law of free will we have a right to do this.

Declaring Independence From Your Unified Soul & Becoming A Traveler

Only a minute fraction have a strong enough will to achieve this, and then have the power to go anywhere, and be anything they so choose for eternity.  Naturally you’re giving up your Godhood birthright.  At least temporarily until you decide to rejoin your original soul.  It could very well be that it was destiny, and unique scenario for the main soul to learn from on it’s quest to Godhood.  Under this scenario your goal would be to become a Traveler.  To retake a physical form at will, and then a spirit form once again so you could travel to any place, time, parallel Universe, or even any dimension eventually.  Your mission would be exploration, and helping out others along the way.

Your form in this exciting  journey could be biological although the ultimate physical power form would be to translate your independent soul into a form of pure energy, and light.  While in ghost form you will your pure thought into this reality causing an energy reaction.  This energy reaction produces photons which are the pure essence of light, and the electromagnetic force as well.  You would then exist in the physical Universe as a solid hologram of sorts.  Although it would take practice to perfect the photonic light so you don’t actually glow.  Since you have no biological senses you’d need to use your mind to directly translate all the various waves, and molecules into familiar sensations.  Light waves to see, sound waves to hear, scent molecules for aroma, and even the taste of food if you want to sample things out of curiosity.  Obviously you’d have no need to eat, drink, or even sleep.  Although you could enter a dream state at will.

You’d also have to translate the various factors of surfaces to gain the sensation of touch.  You also need to project your thoughts into sound waves to create a voice.  It sounds like a lot of work but it won’t be as bad as you think when your  mind is free of  it’s biological confines.  Also the memory of being a biological entity will allow you to more easily make your new pure light body mimic a biological one.   Sort of the same way an amputee feels like they still have their leg, and can even feel pain or other sensations.  Luckily though you’d have full command of your mind so you wouldn’t feel pain unless you wanted to.

When most of us die we will simply see a fade to black, and then a beautiful light will appear in which we shall glide through peacefully.  At that point we are apart of the memory collective of our Angelic soul in the higher dimensions preparing for the ascension to Godhood.  Some of us will even at that point ultimately choose to not be Gods, and go on to be a super Traveler.  A traveling God in essence who has an amazing wealth of knowledge but chooses not to form a Universe, and have kids, aka creates sentient beings.  A small minority will take on a ghostly form before resolving their issues, and moving on into the light of their eternal unified soul.  An even more infinitesimal amount of people will become independent single life Travelers as a result.  Beings even greater than the fabled Greek & Roman Gods.  Who knows maybe some of those ancient Gods were for real, and maybe they were former humans who became Travelers.  The Traveler’s adventures of truth, justice, exploration, and good will fly forth into the great eternal annals of space, time, parallel realities, and beyond!  Then perhaps one day after an incomprehensible long life they will be ready to join their unified soul, and move on becoming Gods of their own Omniverses, or perhaps they will remain forever rebel spirits of free will!

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