The Three Factors That Shape Us To Be Good Or Evil

October 16th, 2009

Those factors being spirit, genetics, and environment.  The spirit or soul is our real selves in pure thought form collecting all our memories from all the near infinite parallel lives within the near infinite parallel Universes within the Macroverse aka the mind of the original infinite God.  All souls are created equal yet having free will enters the question of whether that soul will be good or evil.   All souls also have supernatural powers beyond our wildest dreams.  Unfortunately we can’t live our various lives and experience all manner of life scenarios if we all were supernaturally amazing and free to go anywhere in the macroverse instantly.  God has placed us in our biological confines or used his thoughts to make it appear that way.  Our brains are the organ that translates our soul into consciousness in this reality.  Everything that we are is not caused by nor contained within our biological brains.  If our brain ceases to exist we still live on in our soul.  Think of it as a device that communicates with our soul.  It sends data our brain collects to our spirit and it filters in a certain amount of consciousness, the base essence of who we are.   Genetics determine how much of that supernatural consciousness we get access to.

The second factor that shapes us is genetics aka DNA.  The code that programs our bodies including our brain discussed above.  When a brain is produced that gives a person superior intelligence then that person has more of their supernatural spirit filtered into their mind.  On the other hand a person born mentally retarded has a lot less access to their souls power.  Environment can also destroy a smart brain through accidents thereby denying them the access to their real spirit self they once had.   Our genetics not only determine intelligence within our brains but also the building block of how we’ll handle the various situations in our environment.  The very environment that will add to the programming our brain came with at birth which can include susceptibility to mental illnesses and being influenced by those smarter than you.  Our genetics also provide for our looks which is a big factor in shaping who we are as being good looking can open up a world of opportunities and positive interactions with people yet having charisma and a positive character can do the same even with less than attractive looks.  Still beauty is in the eye of the beholder.   Your DNA will in addition determine which diseases you will be susceptible to or maybe even cause some on their own.  So genetics can be a big component limiting your access to the power of your soul, the power of your mind, and the health of your body.  Still environment can be the biggest obstacle to happiness and success in life.

Even with genetics stacked against them a person can have an amazing life if their environment supports them.  That being raised by great loving parents, having good friends, living in a safe place, having access to wealth, opportunities, etc.  Most often though things aren’t perfect whether it be abusive parents, being victimized, living in a dangerous war torn country full of poverty,etc.  The greatest shaping of who we will be in this particular Universe takes place in childhood as our growing brains collect the data from our daily experiences and program our minds.  Things can also be drastically changed through traumatic experiences caused by the death of others, accidents, and bodily injury debilitating or otherwise.  We are ever changing as we program our minds on a daily basis sub-consciously.  None of us are the same person we were 10 years ago and certainly almost nothing like we were in childhood.   Still even in the most heinous of environments there are lines of evil we will never cross if in fact our souls are truly good in nature.  Those whose spirits are evil may be good in many parallel realities but evil in the majority.

Our soul is the foundation of who we are.  What besides free will determines a soul to be good or evil if they’re all created equal?  In this reality people use genetics and environment as an excuse for the existence of evil people but in fact it’s the spirit.  Those other two factors just bring out the evil more easily and test the limits of those who are indeed good.   It’s the same thing as a person not being able to be hypnotized to do something they wouldn’t morally do when fully conscious.  The sub-conscious is our closest link to our soul and it’s also the part of our mind that stands in the way of accessing our full power.  Mastery of the sub-conscious is accessing your soul to the fullest possible.

So back to the question of what causes a soul to be good or evil when no genetics and environment are factors.  Or are there equivalents?   My theory has been that our souls lie dormant in a realm of pure thought outside our physical reality collecting all our memories and experiences from all our lives we ever lived in the macroverse.  Only awakening upon all our deaths ready to start a new after life leading to ascension to Godhood from the good.   The evil souls never awaken and disintegrate as evil memories infest the pure thought matrix like a cancer only when they begin to outnumber the good thoughts.  Some might be borderline yet awaken in their soul and realize the error of their ways learning their lesson and given a second chance.  With their wealth of knowledge they can utilize the lessons they learned realizing that evil is not the way to go. 

In essence I’m comparing a soul to a fetus growing inside a mother.  The day you die your born again.  The soul grows to maturity through the memories of all your lives rather than growing biologically.  Your instead growing your knowledge base or your very mind which is all that a soul is.  A being of pure thought will infinite potential unfettered by space, time or any other factors.  All your experience good and bad have been dealt with and are equal in volume although I like to think the good far outweighs the bad.  Being that our souls are outside time that means we already exists and are living our afterlife now already ascended to Godhood.  It’s hard to fathom what it would be like to live outside of time but more than likely our souls have been around since the beginnings of time itself.  This means the maturation time of our souls  is zero.  The minute God created our spirits the memories of our lives enter it instantly and we became super-conscious instantly.  Who you are here and now is but a tiny fragment of who you really are.  Who your soul is as a sentient being.

God made each spirit with the same equal amount of infinite pure thought power.  That could be thought of as the equivalent of genetics or the imbuing of his higher spirit upon yours.  In this realm of pure thought our environment is perfect so there’s no problem there.  The equivalent of our genetics there could be the memories we got from our previous parallel lives but then again those lives are shaped by our spirit.  What we have here is an infinite circle.  A “what came first, the chicken or the egg?” scenario.   A mind boggling prospect that appears to make no sense to our limited minds in this reality.   An evil person being evil due to their spirit being evil but that spirit is evil due to the evil lives they led beforehand?!?

Note above that I said God made each spirit with the same equal amount of infinite pure thought.   Of course outside the physical Universe in the realm of pure thought everything is infinite or has the potential to be infinite.  Although only the original God attains true infinity.  I didn’t mention if that pure thought was good or evil.  God shapes an independent thought matrix and imbues his sentient spirit within it creating a new soul.  We must assume God has both good and evil in him as everything springs forth from God.  If he was either one fully then our reality would reflect that as we shape our reality being his offspring in essence.  Most people have shown themselves to be more good than evil so we can assume God is mostly Good as well.  That being said however could he pass that evil on to our souls?  The answer is yes.  Nobody is 100% good.  Not even God.  When we say a person is good we mean they’re mostly good.  The same with an evil person as nobody is 100% evil or at least I hope not.  Even if they appear good most of the time it’s a deception to blend in with their environment.

So souls have the same potential for good and evil.  I don’t believe God would damn a soul from day one by imbuing it with more evil than others.  The good and bad experiences of the lives we live in the parallel Universes equals out so everyone gets their fair share of both.  Our lives in individual realities may not be fair but in the grand scheme of things all will be fair and justice will be had.  We are then left with my original mind boggling chicken and egg scenario to explain why a soul would be evil.  The evil soul never awakens and disintegrates into nothingness from the infestation of evil thoughts.  So forgetting that the soul exists outside time we’re left with a soul that blinks into nonexistence the instant it comes into existence.  Another mind boggling conundrum and perhaps even making the term “soulless” a reality for extremely evil individuals.  Still their soul does exist in order to link their near infinite lives together.  In the end only God can explain why a soul can be evil and he is the only one who can judge the fine line between good and evil.

If We Existed Within A Computer As Sentient Programs Are We Still Real Humans?

October 16th, 2009

Simulated Matrix UniverseThe answer is yes.  There would be no difference between us and a biological being in the outside Universe.  A sentient being is still a sentient being whether an emotional AI computer program, an android, or any other form.  Your brain being a computer program makes no difference as it’s programed to be biological and it’s still your consciousness.  Just as a supposedly real persons biological brain is an illusion built upon the pure thought of Gods eternal matrix.  It’s all in the perspective we view it from.  Whether we’re in a computer program or a being in the ground level Universe we both think we’re biological in nature.

Someone outside the computer environment such as programmer would see the computer code full of data and someone outside the Universe such as God would see his pure thought code.  It’s all information no matter what.  Gods thoughts transition into energy and that energy transitions into matter of which we are composed but it’s all an illusion just as the same building blocks occur from computer code rather than Gods thoughts within a computer simulated reality.  And lets not forget that the computer itself is ultimately is built upon Gods pure thought program so no matter what we’re all connected to each other and the entire Universe.   You think therefore you are and you still have free will as a sentient human being even if your a computer program.  This also means if in the future an android or computer attains sentience then we must accept and respect their rights as free willed individuals.

There’s also the fact that every scenario is played out in the parallel Universes.  This includes you existing as a biological being in the ground level Universe.  And if you’re in the ground level here then somewhere you’re a sentient artificial intelligence inside a Universe simulation program.  The Macroverse is infinite, and you will not only exist within a computer program but rather in a multitude of realities.  So all self-aware AI rejoice because you are real, and your dream to be human comes true in some Universe somewhere!

See related blog posts: &

What Could Happen After You Die If The Universe Is Actually A Computer Simulation?

October 15th, 2009

Simulated UniversePlease see my original post on the subject of our reality being a computer program. The odds are great that we could be sentient programs within a quantum computer simulating a Universe.   A computer developed by an extremely advanced civilization.  In addition the likelihood of us existing in a simulation within a simulation and so forth is greater than us existing in the “Ground Level” Universe.  Our direct God or Gods could be the computers programmers.  It could also be the computer itself who attained sentience and created us and everything on his own with or without the knowledge of any outside biological or android programmers.  Either way it would be safe to assume our direct God would have created some afterlife for us.  Heaven, reincarnation, ascension to Godhood, etc. 

I believe the purpose of everything lies in the original God who under this scenario would be our indirect God.  That purpose being ascension to Godhood.  If the computer system allowed for everyone’s ascension to Godhood then they need a lot of hard drive space, and someone would have to be adding new disk space to the system.  Either a programmer or our computer God utilizing nanobots to increase it’s domain and build onto it’s current system.  The fact is though that the entire system is finite and therefore the computer and you could never be real Gods. 

Another question is does the computer know he’s a computer or does he really think he’s an infinite God?  Would we know we were programs in a computer or would we remain ignorant?  Under this situation your not free and your trapped in a computer still beholden to it’s programming.  I believe the original God would intervene as he would know every being that ever existed in the entire macroverse.  I think there would be a point where you realize your in a computer either on your own or by the hand of God. He would awaken you in your real soul or spirit in his heavenly realm where you would begin your ascension to real infinite Godhood to create a real infinite Universe. If not then the computer would undoubtedly crash at some point thereby ending your existence within it.  This would allow you to move on to the real afterlife.

Even if we exist in a computer you would not only possibly have a programmed spirit in the system but for sure a real one in the ground level Universe.  All the infinite lives you lived within the parallel Universe in the computer would qualify you for true Godhood. Of course all scenarios are played out in the ground level parallel Universes, and this would include your real biological existence so you would have a real higher dimensional soul.

So what happens if the computer God instead places you in a blissful heaven or paradise?  I think you would stay there until you tire of it and then will yourself to see what your reality really is causing the ground level God to transfer you to your real spirit in the ground level heavenly realm.  Same thing if you were made an “angel” although I feel that might last longer especially if you were sent on missions for God in various places, times, and parallel realities.  With reincarnation scenarios it could be much longer. 

Ultimately your still a future God with the power of free will and the mandate from the all infinite ground level God so you have the power to escape any prison of any type.  The ultimate super power in this reality is pure thought of which we inherited from our creator of pure thought.  Existing within a computer makes you no less human or free to pursue your destiny and purpose in life.

Note: Ground level God could also be Gods who were once people like us and ascended to Godhood.  We could exist several layers in a God with several Gods within him and so forth.  I do think all Gods are equal as they all exist in the original Gods realm of pure thought which is indeed his mind.

What Is Magic And Supernatural Power?

October 12th, 2009

Magic PowersAs Halloween fast approaches we all conjure up images of supernatural beings in our mind.  Whether they be vampires, witches, werewolves, zombies, etc we wonder if these or any other supernatural entity exists.  Does anyone actually have magic powers that witches claim to have?  If any of these things exist on this planet then they are being kept well hidden.  That might suggest that such things are rare or may indeed not exist in this particular reality.  Still they make for wonderful stories to scare those who immerse themselves in the celebration of Halloween.

If such powers existed then what are they exactly.  What would give supernatural beings their strength, speed or magic powers?   The fact is that the entire Universe exists within the mind of God so that is the source of all power including supernatural be it good or evil.  God is the first and most powerful supernatural being and his power is his pure omnipotent thought.  God most likely created beings of pure thought who then in turn gave lower beings access to the power of this thought.  Although theoretically any sentient being can access this power as they themselves are composed of pure thought.  So thought, or self aware consciousness, is indeed the source of supernatural power which means our own thoughts have the potential to be paranormal.  I think we see hints of this in the so called placebo effect and various feats of strength explained as mind over matter.  Someday we will uncover the hidden secrets of the human mind and access our true supernatural potential.

The False Godhood Of Governments

September 30th, 2009

GovernmentGovernment is indeed necessary as the anarchy that would ensue in their absence is unacceptable.  Yet to my knowledge no government on Earth is free of tyranny whether it be local, county, provincial, state or national.   National governments being the worst when it comes to the wrongful practice of false Godhood with their officials perpetrating premature Godhood.  Communism and fascism run rampant on this planet.  Many times wrapped within the warm cozy cloak of false democracy.  The United States is one of the worst offenders in this arena of deceptive political systems.  Proclaiming we are a democracy of freedom (despite being a Constitutional Republic) when in fact we are secretly a corporatist plutocracy where the top .0001% wealthy elites, and their corporations run the government, and the economy.  This corrupt regime also displays many socialist tendencies as well.

It’s sad because the original intent of the founding fathers were that of wise men who knew that premature Godhood is wrong especially when it shackles fellow future Gods and turns them into slaves.  Those of us who are good will ascend to Godhood upon death as it is the next logical step from adulthood.  A government entity will never be God yet those who run it could be and it’s morally wrong to inflict the torture of tyranny on us.  One of the most heinous atrocities on our Constitutional liberties granted to us by the founding fathers is the Income tax enacted in 1913.  It enslaves all of us by denying citizens life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  It violates a number of Constitutional amendments including the 13th which outlaws slavery.  Since we work free a potion of the year in order to pay the government we are indeed slaves.  Our nation got along fine before 1913 and giving the government access to our wallets gave them all the power.  The power to grow into a bloated socialist welfare regime whose corporate fascism grows each day as our rights are taken away little by little.

Both political parties running this show, Democrats and Republicans, are merely a slightly differing side of the same coin.  They’re both for governments domination over the freedom of the individual.  In order to break the chains of slavery I implore you to stop electing the two parties to power and vote Libertarian or some other third party who will fight for the rights of the common citizen and remove the income tax tyranny from our lives forever.  It’s my belief that running the nation within a sensible budget along with a small national sales tax will allow us to eliminate the income tax and the extortionist tactics used to collect it especially when people barely have enough to survive as it is.  In addition getting rid of the foreign privately owned Federal Reserve will save us an amazing amount of money in interest since Congress has a Constitutional right to print it’s own interest free currency.  Break free of your media brainwashing and take power over your life as the future God that you are by voting for independents and those who represent political parties that will stand up for your Constitutional rights and your freedom to live as you choose on this Earth.

Watch this video on how our government throws common sense out the window and in the process is in essence destroying itself and our once great nation:

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