Why Near Death Experiences Aren’t Real

May 1st, 2010

There’s a reason why near death experiences are most likely not real and nobody will ever remember dying even when technology allows us to bring back the dead if they were cryogenically frozen.    Firstly, we already exist in the afterlife since it exists outside of time.  This means we theoretically existed there since the beginnings of time itself.  Although we’re not the person we are in this life.  In the non-physical realm of pure thought we were born into existence after we died in every near infinite parallel Universe we ever existed in.  As those lives are so varied and different from anything we know, the fact is once we have all those memories we become a totally different person.  A person who is ready to ascend to Godhood due to the amazing wealth of knowledge and life experience collected.  So basically our lives now viewed from our afterlife stand point are simply memories that took place within the confines of time and space.

That being said if we died and were resuscitated after 1000 years of being frozen, we would not be ripped out of our afterlife as it is far more than just that one life.  In order for us to remember the great beyond that’s what would have to happen.  Not to mention the fact that our tiny 3-D  biological brains would be incapable of comprehending the infinite memories and the state of existing outside time even if the flow of memories from our afterlife to our current life were possible.  We are connected to our body of pure thought in the afterlife called our soul or spirit as it is an element that shapes who we are in each life along with genetics and environment.  Still due to the amazing complexities between the two states of reality we only get the essence of who we are as opposed to actual memories.  From the vantage point of our spirit selves we are merely living memories.  Therefore we cannot have memories of being dead.

Near death experiences are merely our minds panicking because we know we’re dying.  The visions seen are manufactured illusions of our sub-conscious mind.  We see what we truly believe we should see deep down in our minds.  For example when an atheist sees things they thought they had no belief in they should admit they really fear death and are fooling themselves by denying the existence of God.  However those who describe floating above their body and seeing things they couldn’t have possibly seen might be the mind in an extra heightened state activating the sixth sense.

A Secular World Is A Saner World

April 11th, 2010

The Origins Of Santa Claus: Fact Or Fiction?

December 10th, 2009

Santa Claus At The North Pole

Santa Claus obviously doesn’t exist in this Universe although it’s possible that he only delivers gifts to good members of the supernatural community such as white witches, good vampires, mermaids, etc.  Still the person he’s portrayed as in stories must exist in other parallel Universes as it’s a scenario that needs to be explored.  His origins could stem from the distant future in which a guy embraces the legend of Santa and eventually his persona.  He then travels back in time to the origins of the stories of old St.Nick and sets up shop at the North Pole.  He utilizes quantum replication technology to build Santa’s Village.  The same technology that will help manufacture all those millions of gifts for good little boys and girls all about the globe.  He then utilizes DNA samples to clone elves which are in fact midget like aliens from another planet.  He also clones reindeer as well with Rudolph having a special phosphorescent glowing red nose. 

I’d imagine he’d be a loner to leave his own time and come to the past to live so maybe at some point he meets Mrs.Claus while delivering gifts or helping the poor.  Maybe she was the most sainted soul he had ever met.  Someone unlike he had ever seen in his cold uncaring future where technology and entertainment trumped warm and caring relationships.  Now the magical cast of characters is complete.

Naturally Santa would utilize his artificially intelligent super computer to collect and collate the names and locations of all the children on Earth to determine whose been naughty and whose been nice.  Once the list is complete they are matched up with the letters they sent asking for gifts.  The elves are essential when it comes to sorting through all those millions of pieces of hand written barely legible paper.  They’re effort in toy production, sorting, and packing would be minimal with the quantum particle replication and assembly factory.  Still there would some things specially hand made.

On Christmas Eve the reindeer are fitted with micro anti-gravity devices controlled by Santa in his sleigh where the gifts are help in the big red bags he carries about.  All the millions of gifts have to fit in that sleigh so I’d imagine the bags contain nano computers that materialize the gifts from a storage device at the bottom of the bag in order of Santa’s delivery schedule so the completed gifts are ready to grab at the top of the bag.  His sleigh naturally would have to contain components of his time machine in order for him to deliver all those gifts in one night.  His route would have to be carefully calculated and timed to insure he never ran into himself from another time period.  Once landed on the roofs of homes or most likely hover a millimeter above them he would give the illusion of going down the chimney with a deportation device.

In another scenario who have a truly real magical Santa.  Maybe he really was real historical figure known as St.Nicolas who had been known for his secret gift giving.  Born in Turkey in 270 AD he was known as Nicolas of Myra before being made a Saint upon his death on December 7 ,346 AD.  Here we assume the original infinite God wouldn’t mess around with stuff like this so we can assume a God who was once human(see our main site) would utilize his pure thought to create Santa as pure thought is indeed what we would call magic.  Or if the Universe is contained within a quantum computer then the programmer or the AI computer itself acts as God and creates the magic of Santa through a program sort of like Neo having power in the Matrix.

St.Nick awakens after death having been resurrected by a higher power to do good upon the Earth.  Perhaps he awakens at the North Pole in his chubby red suited big white bearded Santa form in a Fortress Of Solitude where an Angel or other supernatural being instructs him about his mission.  Now imbued with immortal powers and abilities beyond that of mere mortals he fights for truth justice and the gift giving way.  Presumably it’s a supernatural reality so Santa recruits outcast Leprechauns to become his elves and imbues common reindeer with elements of his life force so they attain some of his immortal powers.  Again he probably meets Mrs.Claus on one of his journeys about the globe.

Naturally with all these gifts mysterious appearing around the world the governments of the future with their technology will begin to investigate and track down Santa.  Some such as the US government might see him as a threat because they can’t stand anyone who tries to be more powerful than them.  Luckily his magic which is of a higher supernatural power will always be far superior to any man made technology so they can never find or track him.  In the first scenario where Santa comes from future technology hundreds or even thousands of years in the future he is protected through various advanced invisibility cloaking devices and other various ingenious devices that hide him, his sleigh, and the entire North Pole City.  By the time society is so advanced that any gift can be replicated for free would be when the government could finally find him but by then he would retire as it wouldn’t make sense to give gifts anymore.  At that point all Santa’s do indeed retire or simply move to one of infinite other parallel Universes to start all over again.  Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!  Ho Ho Ho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do Animals Have Spirits Or Souls?

November 19th, 2009

I believe all animals cared for by humans receive a soul by proxy through the power of your subconscious pure thought mechanism which connects you to your spirit.  In essence you imbue an afterlife force upon these little beloved creatures so that they may live on with you for eternity.  Whether it’s a goldfish or a horse all animals can have a soul.  When they die they end up in your personal corner of heaven or the realm of non-physical pure thought which will be the platform on which you’ll launch your ascension to Godhood.  It would look something like a perfect garden to the animals.  A garden full of various natural looking environments that are perfect for each individual animal.  Of course you have the power to see it as they do or to see the actual pure thought information that it’s made of.   You have to power to redesign it at will using the power of your own pure thought.  So rest assured you that your little friends will be with you forever.

The Reason Why Our Planet And Society Is So Messed Up

November 5th, 2009

Simply put humans in general are just to damned gullible and easily brainwashed by the environment around them as manipulated by those more clever than themselves.  In fact everyones in on the act of deceit as they utilize their smoozing techniques to get their way in life whether it be for money, relationships or whatever else it is they desire.  Religious brainwashing has caused an amazing amount of damage to the progress of our civilization over the many thousands of years but by far the worst is the fact that the most qualified people for any particular position especially that of national power never end up in that position.  Such political, corporate, and rich elite power goes to those who smooze the best or in other words manipulate people with their charisma, charm, witty repartee, and many times their good looks.  People far more qualified for positions end up being overlooked for nothing more than slick salesman.  Naturally those in power behind the political scenes want to back a guy whose going to win and in order to win at anything in life people need to smooze and tell people what they want to hear.  If not for this factor of the human mind I believe our planet would be an enlightened and advanced star traveling society by now.

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