With Each Decision Humans Act As Gods

March 2nd, 2012

godThe Holy Bible has it right at least on one thing.  We are made in the image of God.  Not only is the case with our potential to ascend to Godhood thanks to the wealth of knowledge from the near infinite lives we lead in the near infinite parallel Universes but also with each choice we make.  Each act of thought within our minds slides us five dimensionally into a nearly identical parallel reality.  However little do we know that within this infinitesimal moment we have actually created several new realities because pure thought isn’t linear despite our perception of it being that way.  Pure thought within our physical reality is the dynamic potential for all probable possibilities within our current Universe.  We perceive moving along one timeline, and can conceive of moving into different Universes within that timeline.   In reality we have split into many parallel selves, and spawned new realities with the power of a God.  Pure thought is what God is made of, and since we must have it to exist as sentient beings we are inadvertently Gods.

The 3000 Year Old Secret To Global Peace & Prosperity

February 14th, 2012

The secret to personal, national, and planet wide prosperity is a government that only protects the people from those who initiate negative force against them. No government of pure protection has ever existed on this Earth. However for a time the United States was the freest nation on Earth, and it became the most powerful, and prosperous nation ever seen. History has proved that the more tyrannical, and law laden a government is the more poverty ridden it becomes. It’s time for people to wake up to the rule of the plutocratic class over the governments who in turn rule over us on their behalf holding back humankind’s enlightenment, and success. If the current tyranny of the USA, and the other governments of the world continues we will surely see the collapse of civilization. and the eventual extinction of humankind through wars, diseases, and famine.

Are We Gods Children Or His Pawns?

January 22nd, 2012

Children Of GodUnder most of the worlds religions we’re pawns of God here to follow his rules, or do his Earthly bidding.  If we’re good then we get to float about the clouds of Heaven basking within his holy light or end up on some Earthly Amish style paradise.  Most of the religions ultimately preach that our future lies in the stagnation of a mindlessly boring paradise where God is the perpetual King over us, or the Father who won’t let his children grow up.  That makes us mindless slave like creations rather than real children of God.

If God is indeed good, and cares about us then he would want us to grow up, and at least be somewhere near his equals.  Perhaps this isn’t possible in actual power, especially if we’re talking about the original eternal God that composes all the Macroverse.  However this should be the case if we’re talking about a God of our Omniverse who may have once been a biological being such as ourselves who ascended to Godhood.  True children of God would indeed grow from adulthood to Godhood in death by the creation of a powerful intellect through the near infinite lives we’ve led in the near infinite parallel Universes of this Multiverse, and perhaps in others as well.  The wealth of knowledge, and experiences would indeed prepare us to be Gods, and create our own Universes, and sentient beings.

Sure the idea of a perfect paradise with a big God figure protecting us is reassuring but it would get monotonous, and would be unfulfilling to live out eternity that way.  After a thousand years or less you’d want something more.  In the same way a child in their late teens kept from growing up by overprotective parents would rightly rebel.  If we are more than entertaining creations of God then we would be afforded the right to grow into Gods just as our Heavenly Father has.  Certainly this life, and all other lives we’ve led would be pointless if we are not allowed to ascend to something greater, and to follow our fundamental right of free will as humans, and sentient beings in this Universe.  So if goodness ultimately rules over our reality then our ascension to Godhood is virtually assured if we are judged to be good in the majority of our lives.

Mainstream Science Believes In Parallel Universes

November 16th, 2011

The video above discusses the various theories of parallel Universes advocated by mainstream physicists.  The basis of Godhoodism is the belief that our near infinite lives in the near infinite parallel Universes gives us the necessary knowledge, and experience to ascend to Godhood in the afterlife.  Naturally science doesn’t discuss how your parallel selves must be linked to one another via one soul that is your true self.

Did We Create God?

November 4th, 2011

The original God who started the Macroverse, which eventually spawned our Omniverse, either always existed or was born from a pool of random pure thoughts of unknown origin.  Although it’s possible that pool of random non-sentient thoughts could have accidentally sparked a big bang setting off a chain of events that lead to the existence of countless Universes, and unimaginable amounts of sentient beings who eventually ascend to Godhood.  If that was the case then it’s possible someone or an entire collective consciousness of the first society of sentient beings could have filled the Macroversal Godhood void.  Or perhaps the power of pure thought through the collective consciousness of countless civilizations across an astronomical number of Omniverses could have caused the coalescing of the pure thought pool to enable the birth of the original God.  It could also be a combination of self-birth helped along by the thoughts of biological beings who already existed within the temporal Universe.

The same could be said for the God of our Omniverse but the most likely would be a God who might merely encompass a Multiverse, or series of common parallel Universes.  Probably only on a planetary scale since the collective consciousness of religious beliefs on one planet would bring them into existence.  This opens the possibility of several Gods of the Earth religions to exist.  It even makes the existence of Greek, and Roman Gods real.  However then we must ask what happens to these Gods when nobody believes in them anymore?  Such as is the case of ancient Gods.  Do they rely on our pure thought to survive, or are they eternal once born?  Are they not real but merely holographic like projections of ourselves, and therefore would blink out of existence if not enough people believe in them?  Once we ascend to Godhood after death, or as a society in the distant future we will finally know the answers to these questions.

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