If God Created Everything Then Who Created God?

August 2nd, 2013

God Creating RealityThe religion of Godhoodism tells us that there are near infinite Gods.  Many of which evolved from biological beings such as ourselves, and including ourselves.  However ultimately when speaking of God we are talking about the first, and only eternal infinite God.  The Macroverse God, or the very Macroverse itself.  The Macroverse being the entire infinite mind of this one God in which everything exists.    From him all things sprung forth either directly or indirectly.   There can be only one God since being infinite implies encompassing everything.  This God exists far outside the parameters of time as we know it, and he in fact created time.  Therefore the absence of time explains to an extent how he could have always existed without creation.  This brings about the interesting enigma of making biological beings, and civilizations being infinite, and eternal as well since God would have always been creating them within his consciousness without a beginning.  He has nothing else to do after all since he only has his mind, and nothing else outside of himself.

This leads us to a theory that he may of been born.  Since intimate objects can’t create themselves, and there as no conscious beings before God then what could have created him?  What could have existed before even him?  The patterns of evolution in everything from astronomical formations to biological life in our Universe could hold a clue.  Perhaps these patterns always existed even before God.  Since God is pure thought then could it be that unorganized random pure thoughts were something that always inexplicably existed?  A pool of infinite pure waves that were completely meaningless yet held every piece of information that would end up being our reality, and beyond.  These waves randomly washed against each other, and over time similar waves coalesced.  Eventually creating complex patterns that led to a conscious matrix forming into the mind of the first sentient being to ever exist.

At the moment of his conception he was probably no more coherent than an Amoeba but grew in intelligence as he pieced the puzzle of the pure thought pool together into an order of perfection that grew his ever expanding mind.  In this scenario there is something outside the mind of God which would imply he himself isn’t infinite since his mind would continue expanding forth, and assimilating the unordered thought waves into the matrix of his mind. That then brings into question if other Gods may have randomly evolved from the infinite pool of pure thought.  If so then perhaps these Gods end up meeting, and then joining together into even greater consciousnesses.  Although it would theoretically be impossible for any of them, or even all of them together, to ever really encompass the entire infinite pool of pure thought.

So were left with either one infinite God, or multiple Gods with a beginning making the Macroverse a pool of inanimate pure thought whose origins are unknown. Of course we’re left with the enigma of this pool of thought always existing outside of time which means a God, or Gods, would have been born from it going back into eternity which again brings us back to the prospect of biological beings, and civilizations being infinite, and always existing.  Clearly we are nothing special, and there has been infinite beings who have existed before us!  The amount of life existing in our Macroverse must be beyond comprehension!

There’s also the possibility that the pool of pure thought actually is an infinite consciousness of a type we can’t really comprehend.  So insanely vast that all it could do is cycle through the random thoughts throwing them into varying patterns as the God would having nothing else to do, and would not know what else to do with itself.  Then observing the evolution of the thought patterns into conscious beings lead to the concept of creating more life in progressively lower dimensional forms trying to encompass every mathematical thought pattern possible.   Each new consciousness brings order to an area of once chaotic thoughts.  This means God must continue creating new Gods directly, or indirectly by the hand of random evolution, or other Gods with the ultimate goal of  bringing perfect peaceful order to his unmanageable Macroverse mind even if it is an impossible goal.

Will Secrets Of The Afterlife Be Revealed By Cryogenics?

August 2nd, 2013

Will The Secrets Of The Afterlife Be Revealed By The Resurrection Of The Cryogenically Frozen Dead?

Cryo Freezer ManThere are already accounts of life after death relayed by those who fell prey to impending death, or an extremely brief period of clinical death.  These Near Death Experiences usually involve a bright white light along with Heavenly visions that may include previously deceased family, and even Angels.  Some have even seen visions of Hell, or other odd things.  Most likely these visions are merely manufactured by a panicked sub-conscious that can’t accept death.  There can be no way to see the afterlife without actually being completely dead.  The resuscitation from a clinical death that only lasts mere seconds, or perhaps a brief matter of minutes at the most isn’t really death.   Certainly no afterlife, that would have to be created, and run by some manner of powerful higher dimensional beings, would be fooled by this temporary death allowing for a peek at what lies beyond.

There’s also the fact that such a place exists outside of our 4-D time-space.  This means there is no equivalent time frame to our reality.  If we are dead here for one minute we aren’t in the afterlife for one minute.  A person viewing our 4-D Universe from the outside would see time as happening all at once.  There would be no point that is the past, present, or future.  Either a person still exists in this timeline, or they never do again for all eternity.  So even a person who may be cryogenically frozen for hundreds, or even thousands of years, will not awaken to regale us with tales of their time spent in the higher dimensions above.  This is due to the fact that their ties were not yet cut from this reality.  They were simply in suspended animation as far as anyone outside this Universe is concerned.

Even if people were temporarily sent to an afterlife there’s also the reality that we don’t have access to the memories of our souls which are a higher dimensional form.  Can you access your future memories?  No because you don’t have complete access to your four dimensional form.  You only have knowledge of the past, and the present.  Can you remember what you did in a parallel Universe?  No because you don’t have access to your five dimensional self.  So your stay in Heaven, or wherever, would not be remembered in your 3-D mind that doesn’t have access privileges to your complete higher dimensional hierarchy that makes up your entire soul which in actuality does already exist even though you’re not dead at the moment.  At some point in this Universe your existence will expire, and already has as far as the higher dimensions are concerned.  Thanks to the complexity of the multi-dimensional Universe we can simultaneously be alive, and dead at the same time as ultimately we are one complete super being who is composed of our amazing number of lives in the parallel Universes, Multiverses,  parallel Omniverses, and beyond.  A being that would be considered a God.

Unfortunately there is no way in the foreseeable future for any technology to allow us to travel to the afterlife, and back again to report what mysteries lie beyond this life.  Now of course if our civilization lives on for thousands, and perhaps even millions of years,  we will eventually possess the technology to traverse higher dimensions thereby prematurely crashing the afterlife.  I wonder how the Angels will greet these Heavenly party crashing human-alien-android hybrids?  Certainly news of the discovery of an Afterlife will be the biggest news in Universal history.  Second only to discovering God himself.  Until then we must rest assured that we will all end up together in a far better place, and that we already exist there as we speak.

Do We Only Exist In This Multiverse?

July 4th, 2013

Do We Exist In Other Multiverses, And Omniverses Throughout The Greater Macroverse?

Parallel Universe WorldsBy Multiverse we mean this particular collection of parallel Universes that originated from our Big Bang. Other Multiverses originated from other Big Bangs, or other phenomenon, and may exhibit alternate laws of physics. We can fathom existing in multiple forms in our collection of parallel Universes because somewhere there is a prime self from which all these variations originated from. However this is only a sub-set in this Multiverse. We are also born randomly in other parallel Universes by simple chance, and the fact that there are only so many combinations that particles can be arranged in. Therefore if we travel far enough we will find our duplicates. This means we must exist in other Multiverses as well within their collection of parallel Universes. This would also indicate we exist in other Omniverses, aka collection of Multiverses, and beyond spread all over the infinite Macroverse that is everything. In fact we could all be infinite ourselves, and apart of the one original God that is the Macroverse. It’s assumed each persons energy, and matter vibrational frequency is unique along with being in alignment with the pure thought frequency of their souls thereby unifying all your parallel selves. So somewhere you’re one unified being. It could be you are actually an Omniverse God as we speak, or perhaps apart of the Macroverse Gods collective consciousness. Since everything happens outside our time frame it already exists. Godhoodism believes that the purpose of sentient life is to evolve, and grow onward past biological death into a higher dimensional life of immortality as a God.

Despite scientists view that particle arrangement is finite we don’t believe that the arrangement of particles in a Macroversal context is finite. Otherwise there could only be a finite number of sentient beings, Gods, and Omniverses that could exist. At some point we would reach a stagnation level without change so as to make existence devoid of any purpose. There must be an infinite combination of particle arrangements on the Macroverse level that expands outward for infinity into eternity thanks to the Macroverse God, and new Omniverse Gods creating new realities.  So most likely we exist as parallel selves spread evenly across the Omniverses of the Macroverse. Our unique frequency signature could even be duplicated in quantum computer simulations which could make up a vast part of our existence as well.  This human form in this particular environment is but a miniscule portion of your entire life, which from this viewpoint, would seem totally alien to you.

When we first conceived of Godhoodism we had theorized you were first born as a 5-D being who was a combination of all your parallel selves. Then from there you ascended to Omniverse Godhood. Now we believe that you, and everyone deemed worthy by the Macroverse God is first born by him in 10-D, or greater, Omniverse God form as a combination of all our parallel selves in all the Omniverses we exist in. Since nothing is deleted from reality you exist simultaneously as a God while still always existing as a 3-D biological being in countless parallel Universes along with existing in higher dimensional forms within the Omniverses. This includes a 5-D self, aka an Angel, in each Multiverse along with higher dimensional forms which are a unification of all your Angelic selves. Something like an Archangel. It’s unknown if there could perhaps be Hyper-Omniverses, or even higher dimensional forms of yourself as well where you were truly first born into existence. Whether directly, or indirectly, you were ultimately first born inside the mind of the Macroverse God. It could be that the Macroverse God is actually a collective of us all, and we were never born at all. Maybe we always existed without a beginning, and set out to experience all that can be as we play out every probability imaginable in our infinite minds.

Could Philosophical Zombies & Solipsism Exonerate God For The Atrocities Of Humankind?

June 28th, 2013

Philosophical ZombiesMany have wondered how God can sit idly by as numerous atrocities, and hellish scenarios take place among the sentient beings of our Universe.  It’s akin to Superman watching people being murdered, and refusing to lift a finger.  Of course a peaceful afterlife of paradise would be a good start to make amends but a person would still have the horrific memories of their excruciating experience.  Other than erasing memories, which would defeat the whole purpose of even existing in the physical Universe to begin with, God could be forgiven for his apparent apathy through the creation of Philosophical Zombies.  Philosophical Zombies are beings who appear to be normal humans, and react to everything as a standard human would except they have no real conspicuousness, or self-awareness.  They are more or less an illusion created by a programmer whether they be computerized, magical, or God in origin.  Perhaps only one person such as yourself exists in any given reality, and the rest are p-zombies who react to you, other p-zombies, and a reality that may itself not be real.

This brings us to Solipsism which is a philosophy that believes only ones own consciousness is real while the rest of the Universe could in all likelihood be an illusion.  You could be a brain in a jar being fed sensory input, a computer program being simulated with a reality, or even non-corporeal consciousness floating in the great beyond being fed direct thoughts from God, or some other higher dimensional being.  Heck maybe you’re dead, and don’t even know it.  Either being purposely hidden from the afterlife or stuck in your own delusions.  This would probably be a pre-ghost state caused by an extreme trauma.  Heck maybe this could be hell, and they’re just working their way up to the really bad stuff!

Naturally if you yourself have experienced extreme suffering then this nixes Gods, or your computer programmers, way out of this but still doesn’t mean you’re not the only one who exists for whatever reason.  Those who believe in Godhoodism know that you become an amazing being with all the memories of your lives in the mega amount of parallel Universes.  Perhaps the really bad stuff is so diluted in the decent to good memories that it ends up not being so bad.  Or perhaps the memories fade in the same way a nightmare begins to disappear as you awaken.  Even if you remember it the dream memory just isn’t the same as a real memory you experienced while in a waking state.  Dying, and awakening in a five dimensional body might create the same sensations.  You would look back on all your many lives as fading dreams as you look forward to a new higher dimensional existence that makes your three dimensional existence seem almost unreal.


How To Deal With The Recent IRS Scandal?

May 17th, 2013

IRSFrankly one organization or government shouldn’t have much power.  Decentralization is the key to freedom.  This was the original intent of having sovereign States with their own Constitutions, and a US Constitution limiting the powers of the US Government for all our sakes.  Unfortunately the Constitutional was violated incrementally over hundreds of years until the Federal government became our King like that of Great Britain in our distant past.  Setting that aside one citizen, or even a organization, shouldn’t have to even deal with the US government unless they choose to do so.  We were meant to only be citizens of our States.  The only purpose of the Federal government was to protect our rights, and our borders.  So the IRS’s mission should change in light of these scandals, and in order to take away their destructive power that has had a detrimental effect on many individuals, and small businesses.

A citizen should only have to deal with their State, County, and Municipal governments which means that the US income tax on individuals, and businesses should be abolished when it come to direct collection.  Only the States should have to deal with the Federal Government.  So instead we would pay income taxes only to the State tax authorities who would in turn pay the Federal government.  None of our names, or information would be in the Federal databases.  Only the States would have the power to enforce the tax code, and collect.  If you’re unhappy with the taxes, or the method of collection, in one State you can have the choice to move to another.  This is fair under what is supposed to be capitalist system where the consumer is meant to be King.  Unfortunately we live under a corporatist political, and economic system.

It would be best to simply make the Federal tax a flat tax we must pay when filling out our State tax returns.  States without an income tax would obviously have to set up a system to collect the Federal taxes, and then pay them to the Federal government.  Under this system it would be far less likely that the government could destroy the State.  It would also return power to the States who could withhold money if the Federal government violates the Constitution, or just plain refuses to balance the budget once, and for all.  The insane wasteful spending sprees, and maintenance of the overseas empire must come to a close!

Contact your elected officials, and demand the decentralization of power in the IRS, and the Federal government in general.  Let no citizen be threatened by the Federal government ever again!  We are citizens of our State, and not the US government!

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