Can There Ever Be Justice For Every Atrocity In Human History?

April 13th, 2014

Will There Ever Be Justice For Those Who Suffered Through Slavery?
12 Years A Slave is an award winning film about a free African-American who lived in New York, and was kidnapped for the purpose of being sold into the horrors of slavery during the mid 1800’s.  Throughout his twelve years of forced hard labor, and physical abuse, he witnesses the unspeakable horrors of malevolent, and mentally ill men.  These abominations were written in his memoirs since the film is based on a true story. Certainly slavery was one of the darkest chapters in US history.  Especially considering this was supposed to be the freest nation on Earth.  A large portion of the injustice came to a close with the Union winning the American Civil War in 1865.  Of course varying degrees of discrimination, and unfair hardship continue against black people to this very day.  Thanks in part to the continued divisive policies of a  government looking to sow discord out of fear of seeing a unified American populace.  United citizens who yearn for freedom, and could someday demand the end of the corrupt corporate controlled government.  Certainly not something the millionaires in Congress, or the tax exempt billionaire corporate stock holders would want to see.

What of the justice for all humans who suffered at the hands of others throughout history? Even if complete justice is seen someday for African-Americans, and all races of humans that shine the beacon of liberties hope among the shadows of tyranny all over the world. Whether it’s simply someone being rude to another individual or a full out holocaust against millions of people.  Is justice finally seen after death in the afterlife if none was had here in this cold rough reality?  Yes fairness is achieved but not for the reasons the average person thinks.  Just existing in a Heavenly paradise isn’t true justice nor is damning someone to eternal damnation since no crime warrants an eternal punishment.

Those who are truly evil will eventually be extinguished from existence thereby relieving others of their menace while ending the sad individuals own spiteful suffering.  This is the way of benevolent Gods whose Universal rule should be full of empathetic mercy rather than wicked sadism.  However before their time comes they will experience every atrocity they visited upon others thanks to parallel Universes.  Whether they were truly evil, or merely programmed by the circumstances of their environment without malice in the heart of their eternal soul, all will experience every mathematical probability. Probabilities within a certain calculation span determined by various Gods at differing higher dimensional levels who preferably don’t allow people to experience more than they can bear.  From Macroverse, Omniverse, and even lower Gods.  This means white slave owners will themselves be black slaves in an alternative timeline.  Ironically in some reality their white slave owners will be their former black slaves.  Since our true identities are the frequencies of our souls, rather than genetics, we will experience being all manner of races, and even extraterrestrial beings in all the parallel Universe within this Multiverse.  Of course the closest parallel Universe to this one would simply see role reversals between the same black, and white people courtesy of various changes in history.

Will either race  treat the other better with roles reversed?  Most likely not since humanity seems to be easily mentally molded by the dark royal plutocratic powers that be who have ruled over humanity since the dawn of civilization.  In the six dimensional level of the Afterlife we as five dimensional beings will have experienced all there is within the Multiverse thanks to the astronomical number of parallel lives we are currently simultaneously leading.  Our minds will flourish with memories of our experienced terrors, and the terrors we wrought upon others due to varying degrees of genetics, and environmental circumstances.  We will all experience shame, and joy over our acts of malice, and mercy through the annals of the parallel Universes.  In the end there will be equal justice for all who ascend to higher dimensional form while the wretchedly evil perish from conscious form.

Watch 12 Years A Slave Online

Wake Your Mind Up

March 11th, 2014

Listen to the energizing binaural beats to help you wake up. The brain can be stimulated by various frequency tones to make you feel like you have more energy, or feel more relaxed.

Slink Into A Serene Slumber

March 11th, 2014

Comfortable headband headphones make it easy to listen to relaxing music, soothing 3-D holophonic sounds, binauralSlumber Girl beats, and subliminal programming CD’s & digital files to more easily induce sleep, and lucid dreaming.  Even without the headphones the video above might cause you to descend into a deeply relaxing state on the edge of slumber.

What Powers Our Reality?

March 7th, 2014

Candle AblazePure thought, aka higher dimensional consciousness, is the ultimate foundation of our Universe which fuels our reality.  When compared to a flaming candle the light created is the physical matter of our environment including our own biological bodies. The flame itself is the pure energy strings that vibrate to form sub-atomic matter.  The wick is every higher dimension of space that gradually transitions to the candle which is the infinite pure thought fuel for all that is.  Pure informational consciousness whose source is the one eternal Macroverse God upon which is born other lower dimensional Gods in which we all exist. This includes our own higher dimensional soul which has already achieved Godhood.

Life Is But A Dream…

March 3rd, 2014

Is The Afterlife Like Waking Up From A Dream?

Life Is But A DreamEven in the paradise of a higher dimensional afterlife some ask how can they ever get rid of the plethora of horrors experienced in their many lives in the parallel Universes.  For some just this life is bad enough.  Religions saying you will totally forget all your bad memories in the afterlife are lying to you.  What’s the point of going through something, and not learning from it.  It was all for nothing if your memories are erased.

When it comes to the your five dimensional soul, and higher you do have the fact that all your undesirable lives in the parallel Universes are in the minority compared to the vast majority which are your average, and good lives.  Of course particular bad memories would still stick out but they would fade with the expanse of higher dimensional time.  Since there is no such thing as higher dimensional psychiatrists, as you are considered perfect in the afterlife, then how do the dearly departed deal with the traumas of life?

When it comes to your four dimensional soul in this particular Universe we have some who sub-consciously can’t cope with being a spirit saying their final goodbyes so they simply walk into the light. Naturally that light leads to the Astral Plane between life, and death where everyone they knew from that Universe gathers together before moving on to life as a 5-D being composed of the memories of their parallel lives.  Most of us however will first find ourselves in our four dimensional spirit milling about as an Astral spirit attending our funeral.  When this happens there is an instant of total recall.  Every moment of your lives becomes the present simultaneously in our 4-D form, and we remember every 3-D moment in time vividly.  Even our previously unremembered time in the womb, birth, and time as a baby.  Capturing these previously elusive early memories often helps people feel love they might not have felt already.  However like anytime we wake up from a dream it fades quickly unless we really concentrate to remember it.  This helps us forget the bad stuff while we remember the good things but they’re still there sub-consciously for us to recall at will in our new powerful non-corporeal form.  The memory fade is more pronounced once we enter the light.

In our higher dimensional souls consisting of first all our parallel Universe selves, then parallel Multiverse selves, and then even our parallel Omniverse selves we also experience something similar to awakening from a dream with memories fading.  Although we have instant recall of anything at will.  Even when remembering the horrible stuff it’s exactly like vaguely remembering a nightmare.  It simply won’t elicit the same emotional response as when we were alive in biological form with the addition of biochemicals affecting your mental state.  So ultimately you will have no mental issues or traumas due to the “life is but a dream” factor coupled with no biochemical imbalances, the eternal expanse of higher dimensional time, and the vast majority of memories being non-hellish in nature.  Not to mention having a beyond powerful mind with truly infinite potential that will never stop growing!  You gain the strength, and wisdom of enduring hardships thereby making you worthy of higher dimensional Godhood without reliving the monstrosities of your three dimensional biological existence.

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