Does The Christian Hell Exist?

May 27th, 2009

HellNowhere in the Bible does it say anything about people burning in hell for eternity. There’s talk of burning in a lake of fire but a fire is all consuming. Those people would simply disintegrate in the flames and never exist again. Although I think the Bible is a book of fables made by men looking to control society. Still yet other men interpreted it differently to make people believe they would burn in hell so as to scare people into doing what they want. What would be the point of God threatening people to do what he wants? You’re not actually seeing if a person is good or evil. What kind of a test is that if indeed life is some test to judge if people are truly good.

You threaten someone enough and they’ll comply with just about anything. If God had a hell he wouldn’t tell anyone and would want to see what they do free of any influence from him. God would have to be extremely sadistic and evil himself to have such an eternal torturous place in his mind. There is no crime that fits an eternal punishment.  Such a punishment could only be marginally acceptable for an infinite being and God’s not about to put himself in hell.  The humane thing is to put evil people out of their misery and blink then out of existence as they were before they were ever born so the rest of humankind can live in peace for eternity.

Any religion that has a hell in it mythology has to ask itself what kind of a God would do such horrific thing and what would be the point?  If the ways of God as prescribed in the holy text are so right then why must people be threatened into complying.  By doing that you’re taking away free will and not getting to see who the real person is deep down.  Also you must take into account that everyone can’t be expected to believe it’s the word of God because there is no evidence to suggest that it is.  If a hell does exist then God is a supernatural being even the sainted souls should be afraid of!  Those who revel in the thought of anyone going to hell should also look inward, and ask why it makes them feel so good about themselves to imagine anyone’s eternal suffering.

Marriage: The Bedrock Institution

May 27th, 2009

Wedding CoupleI find it amusing how some refer to marriage as “The Bedrock Institution”. Usually it’s religious relics desperately clinging to their ancient ways thereby halting the progress of societal evolution to an enlightened future. The phrase sounds like an ominous monolith that nobody would want to even get near and 50% of those who enter its unhallowed halls agree by entering into divorce. Marriage is unnecessary and holds no real purpose for intelligent free willed beings. It’s shackles serve only to bind people into servitude and a false sense of security that can never exist in an imperfect world where God has chosen to abandon his creations. The inane institution causes more harm than good by bending and breaking people’s spirits and turning them into somebody they aren’t. The natural conclusion is divorce which leads to exorbitant emotional and financial pain. Instead all who have a free mind should concentrate on planting metaphorical dynamite within the many cracks and crevices of the marriage monolith blowing it sky high to the heavens and letting it scatter down to hell buried with the other ancient artifacts of our society. It’s an archaic institution that few really believe in but instead partake of like mindless drones bound by age old religious traditions. Live free and don’t let some book of fables written by ancient men hungry for power guide your life!

How Could God Have Always Existed?

May 26th, 2009

GodhoodEvery time I tell someone that the Universe couldn’t have created itself so God must exist they always ask,”Who created God?” or “How could God always have existed without a beginning?”  When I say “God” I mean the original obviously as we and all other Gods had a beginning and a humble one at that.   As a sentient being currently stuck in a mode of three dimensional thinking I don’t have the answer but this is the reply I give to those who ask.  He’s the only infinite omnipotent being to ever exist and so the only thing to always have existed.  The cheat answer is to say he exists outside of time so technically he has no beginning or end.  The real answer lies in understanding what lies beyond our three dimensional perceived world and into the great pure thought beyond.  Since we cannot even visualize a 4-D object in our mind we could never hope to comprehend how God could have always existed.  It’s probably the number one mystery of the Universe and beyond mind boggling.  Still we may understand how it’s possible someday when we become Gods communicating with the original God.

An updated answer is a compromise between an animate, and inanimate object.  Perhaps a vast infinite sea of pure thought waves always existed, and from that by random chance like thoughts coalesced until a sentient being was born.  Of course this scenario would mean that God isn’t infinite, and there could be a plethora of other original Gods.  Even within the one eternal God this process may have taken place in his mind without him even initiating it.   Then there would be a class of upper level spontaneously born Gods.

What Is God?

April 9th, 2009

GodI believe the original God who always existed is infinite pure thought and there can be only one who exists in all the Universe who has infinite thought.  His pure thought waves are the foundation of this Universe.  His pure emotion and pure logic collided to create the first form of energy of which all matter in the Universe is composed of.  The thought waves of God gradually transition into higher dimensional waves, and then energy waves which gradually transition into sub-atomic matter.  In essence everything around us is an illusion.  Nothing but thoughts in the mind of God.  As beings who possess sentient thought we have the potential to control our Universe and become Gods in our own right someday.  Gods with infinite potential within the mind of the one true eternal God who is the Macroverse.

Good Day To Those Who Believe In Godhoodism

April 6th, 2009

GodhoodPlease be sure to visit our main site at: to learn about our religion.  We believe humankind evolves as a whole and continues to grow beyond death to a state of Godhood.  Just as we exit childhood and enter adulthood we grow further into Godhood.  We can become Gods and create our own Universes and realities.  This is possible through the existence of near infinite parallel Universes in which we lead a rich multitude of lives.  The abundance of knowledge, and wisdom we acquire is the catalyst for our growth into Godhood. Post below with your comments or questions about our site and this blog.

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