Delusions Of Grandeur. Why So Many Wealthy Power Elites Have Mental Illness.

May 9th, 2010

Some call it delusions of grandeur while others call it megalomania.   Why does ultra wealth and power cause people to become so evil and many times secretly depraved?  So obsessed with controlling everyone and increasing their already ridiculous amount of power and wealth.  Many descending into worlds of secret perversions and immoral behavior you often hear about in the news headlines.  

John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton ,the historian and moralist, wrote the following quote in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton in 1887:

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.”

 Another English politician William Pitt said something similar, in a speech to the UK House of Lords in 1770:

“Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it”

How and why does wealth and the power it brings corrupt?  Note that most with power are wealthy or become wealthy once elected to office due to working the system illegally.  Simply put the conditions of a great amount of power create a simulated state of premature Godhood.  The mind of even the smartest human is a pathetically microscopic speck compared to the mind of our soul which contains all the memories and experiences of all our near infinite lives in the near infinite Universes we exist in.  It not only lacks the knowledge to handle real power but all the emotional growth and empathy to manage such power so as not to bring harm to others.

When we obtain Godhood in the afterlife we will be able to handle the awesome power and responsibility of creating our own Universes and sentient beings because we will have lived every life from the worst to the best.  Therefore we will have sympathy and be able to feel empathy for everyone due to going through what they went through.  We have all experienced being poor, going hungry, being a minority, being handicapped, being exploited by the megalomaniacs of the world, and so much more.  By knowing how horrible that is and realizing everyone is an equal feeling sentient person, because we all have shared the same negative experiences, we will not cause harm to them.   We will be far better people than we ever could be just living one limited life here.

So assuming that not all of these wealthy power elite have evil souls then their megalomania and immoral lifestyles are a mental disease brought about by their limited minds inability to cope with the power they acquired or inherited at birth.  Their narrow tunnel vision lives have not prepared them to be Gods and their thoughts of omnipotence and superiority over everyone else is deeply delusional, disturbing, and down right dangerous to us all.  This is particularly true for the global banking and international corporate power players of this planet who control governments behind the scenes and empower our elected leaders to become even more corrupt than they already are.  It’s safe to say that this planet has so much evil, poverty, and crime due to this small strata of people who selfishly rule us all just to satisfy their sick need for material wealth, power, and control over everyone they believe they have dominion over.  The ultimate fight for freedom on this planet may come in the form of a revolution someday where people finally wake up and realize the ultra wealthy elite are the ones responsible for the sorry state of this Earth.  That we all have a common enemy and our petty problems and differences(race, politics, nationality, sex, religion,etc.) are merely distractions encouraged by the mainstream media they own as their own propaganda machine.  Stop letting these mentally unstable people rule over your life by seeing them and your reality for what they really are!

The Secret Power Of The Mind

May 9th, 2010

Is A Persons Soul Inexorably Linked To Their Physical Consciousness?

May 8th, 2010

Whether it be within biological or mechanical confines? Even if broken away from it’s original birth into this world? Biologically say a persons consciousness, and not just their memories, are able to be uploaded into a clone either directly or indirectly through a computer hard drive after their death. Or with the same process into an android body, or only an android brain in a biological body. Perhaps even a scenario where their consciousness is within an artificial intelligence supercomputer.

Their consciousness may have even been saved for 1000 years on a hard drive before being awakened and reborn in a new body or digital thought matrix. There’s also people who are cryogenically frozen and brought back to life after hundreds or even thousands of years.

Does the soul or spirit disconnect from their consciousness and then reconnect when they come back to life? Or does the soul never return and all we get is an empty shell of a person? That’s assuming the soul plays an integral role in who we are. That it has a role along with genetics and environment in shaping who we are as a person. Of course some don’t believe we have spirits and souls therefore it is a null factor and we cease to exist upon final death.

We all exist in a realm of pure thought in our ascended Godhood form(our soul or spirit) as we speak since such a place exists outside the confines of time we do not merely exist there only after our death. The memories from all our lives in the various near infinite parallel Universes are imbued upon our spirit allowing us to ascend to Godhood upon all our deaths due to the immense wealth of knowledge and experiences we would have collected. The same mechanism that connects our soul to our original birth would most likely connect us to our resurrections as well.  Said mechanism may be as simple as our soul existing outside space in the realm of pure thought and therefore not having any measurable dimensions.  Which means it can be connected to us over unimaginably vast distances connected to our bodies, and consciousnesses which may in fact be one in the same as they are pure thought at the fundamental level just as all matter and energy is.  It may even be attracted to the uniqueness of our consciousness so if our life was resurrected in a new body, biological or mechanical, our spirit would re-connect with us.  That is if it had ever left to begin with. 

This brings up the concept that we are in fact a living component of our Godhood minds.  One minuscule part of a super near infinite mind that may be considered infinite due to the fact that it will exist for all eternity or due to the fact it exists outside of time therefore automatically giving it the properties of infinity.  We already technically exist in the realm of pure thought and the Universe is merely a holographic type illusion where pure thought manifests into energy which forms the illusion of matter around us.  All for the purpose of providing us with invaluable knowledge and experiences over the grand parallel Universal spectrum that composes the mind of Gods.  Your mind, and body are apart of an amazing God that is you and connects everyone in a spectacular matrix of ultimate power that will live on for all eternity.

Could Our Dreams Be More Than Meets The Eye?

May 6th, 2010

Most dream experts seem to think dreaming is our subconscious acting out various issues in our lives and random thoughts as well.  Some think it’s simply our mind organizing the data it has collected in an efficient manner similar to a computer performing a disk defragmentatoin.  All of those may very well be true but dreams could also be memories from one of our near infinite parallel lives in any one of the near infinite parallel Universes we exist in.  Godhoodism believes that all our memories from all our lives flow into our soul or spirit yet it is implausible that memories would flow back from it.  The alternative is that the memories flow five dimensionally particularly when we’re in REM sleep dreaming.

We can think of ourselves as 5-D beings.  We are connected to ourself in all times within this Universe making us a complete 4-D being.  In each Universe we exist we have a parallel 4-D self all of which are connected together within 5-D space to complete a 5-D being.  A portion of which makes up our spirit.  We also exist in other Multiverses where things are quite different and there is no connection to this Universe.   All the 4-D Universes exist within the same 5-D space separated only by the frequency at which their energy strings vibrate.   So also do our near infinite 4-D bodies exist within the 5-D space.  5-D space has no properties of space or time so despite moving around all over the place in different realities we can exist in the same space.  Our thoughts interact with the pure thought foundation of the Universe which is connected to the energy strings that are the foundation of matter.  This is the process by which each decision causes us to skew off into other Universes without even noticing as they are practically identical.

So it would stand to reason that there might sometimes be random exchanges of thoughts with all our parallel minds connected 5-D or more likely we shared a similar experience with our parallel self and the memories become attracted to one another causing an exchange.  Such dreams might be ones where you living in a life that has similarities to your own but where there are obvious differences.  Perhaps people you don’t know yet in the dream you know them intimately knowing many details about them.  Such dreams might seem very real without you being lucid and knowing it’s a dream.

Such parallel exchanges might be nearly non-existent for some while being very strong for others due to the genetics of their particular 3-D brain.  Just as some have very little temporal exchange with their past and future selves while others can see the future and have psychic ability.  It is also plausible that those who speak of past life memories aka reincarnation may in fact be remembering their parallel lives.  If they also have temporal memory exchange then the ancient nature of the memories would be explainable and if they don’t then it could still be explained by the fact that times in parallel Universes aren’t all in sync.  Not to mention the fact that societies would progress differently in other realities as well.  Godhoodims does not believe in reincarnation past lives as it serves no purpose seeing as you live out all scenarios in the parallel Universes so there’s no reason to exist multiple times in the same Universe.  We believe each soul is an integral part of each Universe and there are infinite souls and redundancy is a Universe is unnecessary and makes no sense.  Especially since it accomplishes nothing in terms of it being a scenario to play out.  That being said however the only  instance where one soul exists multiple times one Universe is in the case of identical twins who we believe to be the same soul and therefore the same person.

Just as people can have precognitive dreams so to can they have parallel dreams or even precognitive parallel dreams.  Such dreams might not seem to the have the same importance as simple precognitive dreams other than being an interesting curiosity.  Although in some cases you might be able to see alternative outcomes to decisions you might make in the future or even see how things might have been different in the past.  The key is to write down your dreams as soon as you awake and keep a dream log to see if your consistently having 5-D dreams and then analyze if there’s any pattern to your parallel lives and how it might effect you in this Universe.

Can You Break Free Of Your Soul Or Spirit?

May 1st, 2010

As discussed in the previous blog post we are pretty much just living memories of our spirit selves it is possible in rare instances for people to actually break free from their spirits or souls to form their own independent entity. This is a factor of free will. Someone may decide consciously or sub-consciously to be free of all parallel lives and even the afterlife. This is especially true for those experiencing horrific traumas in life. When this happens the power of their consciousness forms an independent entity and they become what might be known as ghosts among other things. If they have a strong enough consciousness and are strong willed they will realize they are free and will be able to materialize into the physical world as a human in appearance.  They would become what is known as Travelers.

Travelers have amazing power and are able to travel to any place, time, parallel Universe, or higher dimension at will. They will be free to explore everything for all eternity. Many Travelers tend to not only explore but help others which accounts for scenarios in the various parallel Universes that needs to be played out.  If anyone has ever had a mysterious stranger help them out and then disappear from their lives that just might be a Traveler.  Some are evil as well although higher entities and other Travelers stop them before they cause too much trouble.

As the minds of Travelers are pure thought they still exist outside the confines of the flow of time and the flow of the five dimensional mechanism that creates parallel lives in the various parallel Universes. So there are no parallel lives for them and no spirit in the afterlife as their spirit is directly with them and them alone. However at some point they are able to travel to the realm of pure thought that is the afterlife where they might choose to become Angels or create their own limited Universes minus sentient beings. On a side note Angels have been known to become Travelers as well. In order to create real complete Universes and attain full Godhood Travelers would have to re-join with their former spirit whose infinite mind they seceded from.  So at that point it would seem that they were living memories all along and never really left their original spirit.

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