Achieving Angelhood

March 15th, 2011

The basis of the Godhoodism religion centers around the after life goal of achieving Godhood but could there be a step in between Human Adulthood and Godhood?  We have spoken of Angels as Gods helpers and also possibly serving as Guardian Angels to humans.  In fact since the after life exists outside of time you’re already there and it’s possible you’re actually you’re own Guardian Angel.  That is unless of course God deems that to be a conflict of interest.  We’ve also mentioned that Angels might get bored just serving God for eternity and might want to move on to become Gods themselves.   Perhaps Gods just don’t create Angels but also humans ascend to Angelhood as an intermediary step before full Godhood.  Even with all the experiences of near infinite lifetimes through the parallel Universes that still might not be enough to make you a worthy God.  As an Angel you might be qualified to watch over one or more of those Universes as a sub-God of sorts.  There’s even the possibility that there are whole other sets of near infinite parallel Universes separate from this Multiverse. 

It would stand to reason there are near infinite multiverses that started off by means other than the big bang and are totally foreign from this one and all it’s possibilities.  This might mean that you exist in those near infinite multiverses leading a mind boggling number of lives.  In each one you become an Angel after death and rule over some of the Universes or maybe even rule over whole multiverses within a Gods Omniverse.  After God feels you’ve fulfilled your mission you then move on to another after life where all the memories of your Angel lives goes into one God form that is your final eternal self.  Then it would be guaranteed you had enough knowledge to be a worthy God and create your own Universes and sentient beings.

We here at Godhoodism are looking into this possibility and will edit our doctrine accordingly to reflect this new knowledge.  This is most likely true if we are an Omniverse made up of near infinite Multiverses which are in turn made up of near infinite Universes.  Everything combined aka the mind of the original God is called the Macroverse.  This means there are probably near infinite Omniverses as well created by those who have achieved Godhood to form their own Omniverses.

Did Universes & People Always Exist?

January 11th, 2011

Since everything exists within the mind of the original eternal God then theoretically Universes, civilizations, and conscious beings existed to eternity in the past.  Unless God evolved from a pool of pure proto-thought then as long as he had intelligent consciousness things had to always exist.  Perhaps there was a time when his thoughts were abstract but even those ideas were reality since everything he thinks becomes reality.  I would think one of the first things he have done is create other beings to keep him company.  If he always existed then they always existed as well.  It’s safe to say humans and our Universe are a mind boggling way down the line from infinite conscious beings, societies, and Universes.

Did God Have A Childhood?

January 11th, 2011

When I speak of God I mean the one original eternal God who always existed before anything else existed. Since the Universe couldn’t create itself or an inanimate object couldn’t create itself then I believe an intelligence had to always exist to eternity into the past. We can of course use the outside of time theory to explain this but really our three dimensional minds can’t comprehend how this could be possible. The bottom line is something can’t come from nothing so something had to always have existed and it must be a consciousness of some type.

We assume he existed in his current adult like consciousness although he must learn more things with every thought, and Universe he creates within his mind that contains everything. Along with every persons thoughts and what they create as well. However is there a chance he perhaps didn’t always exist? That perhaps the first thing to exist in all of reality was an infinite unorganized jumble of pure thoughts. Thoughts that slowly grew together until they formed an intelligent consciousness. Although such a collection of unconscious thoughts might be considered an inanimate object like a computer database.

If he were to have a childhood then that would be the closest thing. An infinite conscious intelligence that evolved from a pool of pure thought that may or may not have always existed.  Just like we ask how could God have always existed we would ask how a collection of pure thought could have always existed.  I mean it’s amazing anything exists.  This should just be a dark void of nothingness.  Perhaps the thoughts of God and every conscious being in the future are so powerful that they some how always existed as a collective pool of pure proto-thought.

The End Of The Greek Gods

November 10th, 2010

Once there lived many Greek Gods on Mount Olympus. Demeter, who was the Goddess of nature, was attending to the Earth when she noticed some subtle changes being made to the weather, flora, and fauna around the planet. There was a change in temperature, shades of plant colors, and even some new microbes formed. She was unable to change things back and that told her that a higher God was controlling nature. Demeter naturally assumed it was Zeus, King of the Gods, so she angrily told him to stop interfering with nature. Zeus swore he wasn’t tampering with nature by the oath of the Gods.

Zeus then told Demeter he was off to see which of the higher Gods was controlling nature. So Zeus asked his Uncles, Aunts, and even his mom, but they all swore that they were not the cause. Zeus knew it couldn’t be the original king of the Gods, Oranus, for he was chopped up in small pieces in the ocean. Zeus knew for sure it had to be Guia, the original Goddess of Earth, but she also swore to the Gods oath it wasn’t her. Zeus then consulted other powerful Gods all over the world, but they all denied that they were tampering with nature in any way. Since Zeus always knew who was telling the truth he knew they weren’t lying.

This left Zeus, Demeter, and soon all the other Gods of the Earth worried and even a bit scared for the first time in their immortal lives. Then one day Zeus was contacted by a being who claimed he was the infinite almighty ruler of the Universe. A God who simply called himself God. In fact he claimed that everything that existed including the Gods themselves all existed within his mind for the entire Universe was composed of his pure thought. The Greek Gods and all the other Gods of Earth didn’t take kindly to this newcomer claiming to be the God of Gods so they joined together to defeat him.

Even all their combined power was not enough to harm him in any way since indeed they all only existed within his all knowing infinite mind. God easily defeated them with his mere thoughts yet he did not destroy them right away. God told them that they were all created by an evil fallen angel. The dark angels purpose was to create false Gods to deceive humankind into worshiping anything but the one true infinite God. Then God raised his mighty hand before them and in a flash of light all the false Gods of the world, Greek or otherwise, were destroyed. The after effects of Gods deed can still be seen today as the northern and southern lights.

The Magical World Of Lucid Dreaming

October 24th, 2010

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